Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 518 Fengyun Academy Walks Sideways

Chapter 518 Fengyun Academy Walks Sideways

Although reluctantly, the patrol team finally brought several people to the student union.

Ye Qingge thought that it would be a questioning to greet them, but he didn't expect that after arriving at the student union, the instructor came out to greet them in person, with a smile on his face all the time.

Yu Qianjue and Ye Chen looked calm, as if they were not surprised.

Immediately afterwards, something even more unexpected happened to Ye Qingge. The tutor didn't mention a word about what happened in the cafeteria just now, but just greeted Yu Qianjue and Ye Chen.

Then... you can go...

The moment Ye Qingge walked out of the student union, Ye Qingge didn't even react. It wasn't until Nangong Ling pulled Ye Qingge's sleeve that Ye Qingge came back to his senses.

What the hell!

This is a naked privilege!

In this world where the strong are the top priority, the rules are like this.

Looking at her brother and fiance, Ye Qingge suddenly felt that she was too weak, so weak that she didn't even have the qualifications to stand with them.

"Sister, what's the matter? You seem unhappy? Is there someone still bullying you?"

Seeing this, Ye Chen asked three questions.

"No, I'm fine."

Ye Qingge shook her head, could she say that she was jealous of them.

Being strong is good. When she was assigned to Class D, if she was strong enough, she would not suffer that kind of loss. Hua Ruojin almost plotted her to death.

"By the way, brother, pay attention next time, killing people at every turn is too bloody and brutal. We are civilized people in a civilized society."

Ye Qingge couldn't help but tell her elder brother not to be so impulsive next time.

Ye Chen retorted, "Anyone who bullies you deserves to die, even if they scold you, they deserve to die."

This is how he protects his weaknesses. His favorite sister cannot be harmed in the slightest. If anyone dares to touch her, he will destroy them all!

Speaking of this, Ye Chen looked directly at Yu Qianjue, and said in a provocative voice,

"Sister, the man you're looking for seems to be quite useless, you've been bullied like that, yet he's still indifferent by the side.

Your Royal Highness, in my opinion, you'd better stay away from my sister, you are not suitable. "

Ye Chen didn't want to target Yu Qianjue, after all, he and Yu Qianjue had a rare hit, and they had a drink together last night, but there was no way, he also liked Ye Qingge.

And the way to get Ye Qingge is to kick Yu Qianjue away first!

Of course Yu Qianjue sensed Ye Chen's hostility, he snorted coldly, and responded, "Whether this king and Xiao Ge'er are suitable or not is up to you, and we already have an engagement, as a brother, shouldn't you bless me?" ?”

In just a few words, the relationship between Yu Qianjue and Ye Chen is already full of gunpowder.

Ye Qingge didn't understand why the two people he cared about the most suddenly became hostile?
"Brother, don't say that. I've always been used to solving my own affairs, so Qian Jue didn't take action."

"So, I was meddling in my own business just now?" Ye Chen's voice seemed a little angry.

Ye Qingge quickly shook his head, "I didn't mean that."

"Then you still blame me?"

"I don't blame you."

Ye Qingge suddenly felt that his ghost brother had changed his gender. He would never have such a low profile when encountering such a thing in his previous life.

This... Could it be possible that after time travel, the brain was worn out?
Just when Ye Qingge didn't know what to say, a carrier pigeon suddenly flew towards this side and landed on Yu Qianjue's shoulder.

Yu Qianjue took off the note on the carrier pigeon's feet very naturally. After reading the content, his expression changed slightly, and then he said to Ye Qingge,

"Xiao Ge'er, I have to leave earlier."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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