Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 525

Chapter 525
"Be patient!"

Ye Qingge responded decisively.

Ye Chen was lost again, his brows were wrinkled into a ball.

Yu Qianjue, who was in the dark, was completely satisfied when he heard this answer.

As expected of her little concubine, she refuses to hook up with other men, it's just that straightforward!
"What about Yu Qianjue? Will you live with him? I heard that he participated in the Billboard just to get an independent courtyard and be able to get along with you day and night."

Ye Chen asked again, feeling full of uncertainty in his heart.

Yu Qianjue, who was in the dark, was also highly nervous, and was very concerned about Ye Qingge's answer.

This time, Ye Qingge hesitated.

Living with Ye Chen is absolutely impossible.

But living with Qian Jue seems to be very good. They are in a period of passionate love, and they wish they could be together all the time.

But she and Yu Qianjue are both very busy, the content of their studies is different, and they can only eat together at noon.

Sometimes I'm so busy that I don't even have time to see each other at noon.

If you live together, at least you can guarantee to see each other every night.

"Qingge, you are hesitant, do you really want to live with Yu Qianjue?" Ye Chen asked again.

Ye Qingge tugged at the corner of her clothes, lowered her head, and said in a shy voice,
"Brother, can you stop being so straightforward?
Qian Jue and I are in a relationship, we are both people of the 21st century, so don't be so conservative in your thinking. "

"But you are only 14 years old now, that beast has already taken you..."

When Ye Chen said this, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, wishing to tear Yu Qianjue to pieces!
Ye Qingge quickly explained, "No, no, absolutely not, Qianjue has his own measure."

"Proper ass!"

Ye Chen sneered coldly, full of disdain.

Ye Qingge was a little surprised. It was the first time she heard her brother swearing in all these years. In front of outsiders, Ye Chen always maintained the image of a cold and noble son.

Even if someone attacks him, he will act very calm.

What happened tonight?
Seeing his sister's shocked expression, Ye Chen also knew that he lost his rhythm and said something he shouldn't have said, so he quickly explained,

"I mean, men are unreliable!
Qingge, I am also a man, and I understand the thoughts of men very well. If the woman I like is by my side, no matter how gentlemanly I am, I will become a beast.

Yu Qianjue won't touch you unless he doesn't lift! "

"You don't do it! Your whole family doesn't do it!"

Yu Qianjue, who was in the dark, finally couldn't bear it, and stood up directly.

Seeing Yu Qianjue, Ye Qingge was surprised again, "Why are you here?"

"This is my dormitory, is it strange that I'm here?" Yu Qianjue came to Ye Qingge's side and held Ye Qingge in his arms.

When Ye Chen saw this, displeasure flashed across his eyes.

Ye Qingge finally came back to her senses, she looked at Ye Chen's yard, and then at Yu Qianjue's yard, both of them were strong on the Billboard.

It's normal for the dormitories to be grouped together.

"Oh, that's great, I'll stay with you tonight."

Ye Qingge responded calmly.

Yu Qianjue was very happy when he heard this, and immediately asked, "Little Geer, why don't you go back to the dormitory? Although you and Yechen are brother and sister, there are differences between men and women."

"I was practicing just now, and it was too late when I woke up, so I couldn't go back.

My brother said he had a vacant room there, so I came here. I didn't expect to meet you, what a coincidence. "

"Qingge, I don't think it's a coincidence, it's someone's intentional setup.

Not sleeping in the middle of the night, hiding in the corner to eavesdrop, His Royal Highness is really leisurely. "

(End of this chapter)

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