Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 536 Ye Chen Killed Someone 1

Chapter 536 Ye Chen Killed Someone 1
Ye Chen, Ye Chen, you are hiding really deep.

Yu Qianjue's eyes were dim, and his defense against Ye Chen became more and more serious.

Slowly, the welcome party for freshmen ended, and everyone dispersed.

Because Nangong Ling had too much fun, she drank a lot of wine, and got drunk at the end.

"Don't...don't stop me, I can still drink...drink..."

Helpless, Ye Qingge could only support her and walk towards 707.

However, in this seemingly quiet and harmonious night, bloody events are happening somewhere.


Fengyun Academy, a corner of a certain garden.

Die Wu was sitting here looking at the stars at this time. Although she became the focus tonight, after the joy, she began to feel lost for no reason.

She thought of the past, and of her former sweetheart.

I don't know how the other party is doing now, whether he has forgotten her, whether he is like her, and will think of that relationship in the dead of night.

Thinking about it, the corners of Die Wu's eyes began to moisten.

However, at this moment, a strong smell of alcohol came.

A drunken young man staggered towards her, holding a jug in his hand.

After the man saw Die Wu, his eyes lit up and he said in a wretched voice,

"Beauty...so you are here...hehe...come to give this young master a kiss..."


Die Wu was not in the mood to deal with the drunk. Her originally melancholy mood was disturbed by the drunk, and now she was inexplicably irritable.

"Oh... beauty, let me give you a hug... hiccup!"

The drunk belches and the smell is sickening.

Die Wu looked disgusted, and only then did she realize that she had seen this drunk before, the hooligan she met on the steps up the mountain when she came to Fengyun Academy on the first day.

Ma Kou, the second son of the Ma family of Fengwu Empire, Ma Yi's younger brother, had known this year's freshmen before she came to the academy.

This Ma Kou is a playboy, at that time she kicked Ma Kou off the cliff, but she didn't expect to meet him again tonight.

Die Wu didn't want to cause trouble, so she wisely chose to leave instead of talking nonsense with this drunk.

However, Ma Kou stopped Die Wu and refused to let her go.

"Beauty... don't go away... have a drink with me! You look so beautiful, your eyes are so familiar, and your skin is so tender..."

As Ma Kou said, he was about to pounce on him again. He grabbed Die Wu and made Die Wu unable to move.


Die Wu scolded, trying to confuse Ma Kou with charm, but Ma Kou is now drunk and mentally disturbed, so she can't confuse him.


"Go away! Help—help—"

Die Wu couldn't struggle anymore and started calling for help.

When Ma Kou heard this, he became even more excited.

"Little beauty, you can call, the louder you call, the happier I will be..."

"Go away!"

Die Wu struggled hard, she regretted why she was only good at charm.

If he was stronger at this time, he would be able to kill this hooligan with one move, damn it!

"Help me—"

In the distance, Ye Han heard a cry for help, the voice was very familiar, it seemed to be Miss Six's roommate.

Ye Han was about to hide in the cave to restrain the urge to suck blood, but after hearing this voice, he had to change his actions and go to check the situation first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came, he saw Ma Kou molesting Die Wu.

Without any hesitation, Ye Han stepped forward and grabbed Ma Kou, then threw Ma Kou away!


Ma Kou fell to the ground, and there was a hole in his head immediately.

Die Wu was almost rescued, and immediately hid behind Ye Han, feeling terrified.

"Thank you for saving me."

"You go first."

Seeing Ma Kou like that, Ye Han knew that tonight's matter would not be resolved so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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