Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 548 Breaking Stone Formation

Chapter 548 Breaking Stone Formation

"Sister Diewu, you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with you, and they don't dare to wrong good people." Nangong Ling comforted in a soft voice, with a trace of determination on her face.

Die Wu smiled wryly in her heart, if this matter really had nothing to do with her, she wouldn't be worried either.

But the point is, she is indeed one of the accomplices.

Although Ma Kou deserved to die, she was still a little guilty.

I don't know how Mr. Ye is doing recently?Did it affect him?If there is really no way to end it in the end and he is also involved, then she will confess her guilt voluntarily.

Ye Han got into this kind of trouble to save her, and she couldn't let Ye Han bear the consequences.

I hope this matter can end soon.


ten days later.

Qingyun Kingdom, broken stone forest.

Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue stood at the gate of the Broken Stone Forest, which was the destination of the Millennium Tears.

It is said to be a stone forest, but in fact there are only stones and no trees.

The entire land has a radius of five hundred miles, and it is all made of stones. The stones are large and small, and the thousand-year tears that Ye Qingge wants are hidden in these stones.

In addition, there are all kinds of wild beasts hidden in the stone forest, hunting the passing humans for food.

After arriving at the scene, Ye Qingge realized that this mission was more complicated than he imagined.

However, she came here to train herself, the more difficult the task, the happier she is!

"Qianjue, let's go in." Ye Qingge looked at Yu Qianjue with a slightly excited expression.

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, and then reminded, "Little Geer, from now on, you must always gather your spiritual power to wrap around your body, and you may encounter an ambush inside at any time."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue directly condensed his spiritual power and floated around his body.

Ye Qingge imitated Yu Qianjue's appearance, and also began to gather spiritual power.

Afterwards, the two strode forward.

Just after they stepped into the stone forest, the sky suddenly poured like a torrential rain, and fist-sized crushed stones fell down, crackling and smashing towards the bodies of the two of them.

Fortunately, the two of them had used their spiritual power to protect their bodies in advance, otherwise they would have been bleeding from the head with so many stones.

The rocks fell on Ye Qingge's body and were bounced off by her spiritual shield, and the two continued to walk forward.

Ye Qingge was a little scared, "Qianjue, fortunately you reminded me just now, otherwise I'm afraid I would have been crushed to death."

"Keeping concentration at all times is the basic principle of a practitioner. Next, you have to slowly realize it by yourself."

"it is good!"

Ye Qingge nodded, looked into the distance, and told her instinctively that as long as she practiced hard for this "Millennium Tears Mission", she would definitely improve!

Broken stone forest.

Although the name is Broken Stone, it is actually a gathering place for precious stones. However, because there are many natural traps in the stone forest, there has been no large-scale stop to dare to come here for large-scale mining.

The people who came were usually small mercenary teams, or those who were passionate about gemstones, and there were people like Ye Qingge who came for missions.

In this kind of place, it is not an easy task to find the precious millennium tears.

"Qianjue, look at this piece, is it Millennium Tears?"

Ye Qingge found a blue gem in the shape of a "tear" among a pile of stones, and asked Yu Qianjue.

After Yu Qianjue approached, he took out a document, and after careful comparison, he said, "This is just an ordinary gemstone, and there are impurities in it, which is not what we want.

In the entire Hongmeng Continent, there are only ten pure natural thousand-year-old tear gems. "

"So few?" Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows.

Yu Qianjue continued, "The starting price of a thousand-year-old tear gem in the black market is 1000 million gold."

(End of this chapter)

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