Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 576

Chapter 576
Die Wu's call just now attracted the Hua Niang downstairs.

Die Wu is now her cash cow, Hua Niang will not be sloppy, and immediately brought the guards from the brothel to see the situation.

The three people who were searching heard the sound of footsteps, and their expressions were very ugly. They must not reveal anything about this trip, and it would be terrible if they were discovered.

As for this brothel dancer, kill her now!
However, just as they were about to do it, Hua Niang had already rushed upstairs, and there was no time.

"Damn, withdraw!"

The three men in black immediately jumped out of the window.

When Hua Niang came in, she happened to see the afterimage of the man in black leaving. She immediately ran to Die Wu and asked, "How are you? What happened just now?"

"I... I don't know, those three people ran in suddenly, it was so scary, they must want to molested me!"

Die Wu pretended to be frightened, and spoke tremblingly.

When Hua Niang saw this, she didn't ask any more questions, and after arranging the guards, she had to strictly defend herself.

"Okay, cheer up, you have to pick up guests later."


"Take a rest first, Master Ji will be here soon."

After Hua Niang finished speaking, she left with her guards and left Die Wu alone in the room.

After confirming that Hua Niang was far away and there was no eyeliner around, Die Wu breathed a sigh of relief, walked carefully to the cabinet, and said to the man in the cabinet,

"It's all right, you can leave quickly."


There was no echo from within.

Die Wu raised her eyebrows and asked again, "Master, are you still there?"


Still silent.

Die Wu realized that something was wrong, she gently opened the door of the cupboard, her breathing was tense, and her spirit was highly concentrated.

I thought I would see a ferocious face, but I didn't expect to see a peaceful sleeping face. Is this man asleep?
Die Wu was about to wake her up, but when she reached out and touched it, her hands felt sticky.

This is... blood? !
Die Wu was startled, and quickly backed away, and it took a while to calm down.

Is this man dead?
Judging from his expression, he shouldn't be dead yet?

How to do?
Now if you tell Hua Niang about this matter, judging from the serious injury of this man, he will definitely not be able to escape the guards of Wanhualou.

But I don't know why, although this man threatened with his life just now, but at this moment, she just can't be cruel.

"Forget it, just treat it as what I owe you!"

Die Wu was very helpless, she went to get the wound medicine, took out some bandages, and began to heal the man.

Because she often practiced dancing, Die Wu was easily injured, and bandages and wound medicine were necessary things in her room.

After working for a while, the man's injury was barely under control.

The space in the cabinet is too small, Die Wu originally wanted to help the man out to lie down, but she thought that there would be guests coming in a while, and it would be bad for the man if they were found out, so she had to give up this idea.

"It seems that you will still be in a coma for a while. I was in a good mood at that time and managed to save your life. You must leave immediately after you recover from your injury. I don't want to have any contact with people like you."

After finishing speaking, Die Wu closed the cabinet door.

She clearly remembered the expressions of the three people just now. The man who was hunted down must have a special background. The best way is to cut off contact as soon as possible.

Just when Die Wu breathed a sigh of relief, there was another burst of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears, who was even fatter like a pig, walked into the room drunk.

"Little beauty...hehe...here I come..."

This person is Die Wu's guest tonight, Master Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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