Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
Die Wu was very conflicted, but after thinking for a while, she decided to save the man.

"Forget it, just treat it as I owe you, send the Buddha to the West, and let you stay with me for a while."

After finishing speaking, Die Wu helped Gu Qingtian to bed.

At this time, due to the poisoning, Gu Qingtian's lips were purple, his body was trembling, and his body temperature was very low.

Die Wu didn't understand poison, seeing Gu Qingtian in such pain, she just used her own method to help relieve it.

Gu Qingtian said it was cold, so Diewu covered him with a quilt and rubbed his hands.

When Gu Qingtian said he was thirsty, Diewu immediately poured him water and helped him drink it down.

After working for a long time, Gu Qingtian's condition improved a little until it was ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Hua Niang's voice came from outside the door,

"Die Wu, you have locked yourself in the house all day, what the hell are you doing? Hurry up and dance, there is still your show tonight."

"Yes, Hua Niang, I'll be right there!"

Die Wu quickly agreed, and then began to change her dance clothes, preparing to go out to perform.

While Die Wu was changing clothes, Gu Qingtian regained consciousness a little bit. He opened his eyes and just saw a woman with a graceful figure who was changing clothes. His face turned red immediately!
See no evil!

See no evil!

Gu Qingtian told himself not to look, then closed his eyes, how could he blaspheme his benefactor?

After Die Wu left, he quickly started to use his spiritual power to force out the toxins in his body.

In this way, Die Wu danced outside, and Gu Qingtian healed his wounds inside.

By the time Die Wu flew into the room on the moon, Gu Qingtian's toxin had been eliminated by more than half.

"You look much better already." Die Wu said drunkenly.

The guests insisted on drinking with her tonight, and she didn't come back after drinking more than a dozen glasses. It was already very difficult for her to stay sober at this moment.

"Thank you girl for saving me."

Gu Qingtian spoke again, with a hint of guilt on his face.

This is the second time Die Wu has saved him, but he can't say anything else except thank you.

He didn't have any money with him, and after running for his life for so long, he couldn't even eat enough to eat, let alone keeping money.

"Hey, I saved you twice, so it's fate, so that's it."

Die Wu is a straightforward person, she has already been saved anyway, so she doesn't worry about it.

"My poison has been relieved a lot, but it may still be difficult to leave now, and it may trouble you for a while."


"Aren't you afraid that if I have a problem with my background, it will hurt you?"

"That can't be helped, who told me to be so unlucky."

Die Wu shrugged and smiled easily.

Hearing these words, Gu Qingtian became more and more curious about Die Wu, what kind of woman could be so cheerful.

However, just as he was thinking this way, a sharp voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Die Wu, are you asleep?" That was Hua Niang's voice.

Die Wu glanced at Gu Qingtian, fearing that Gu Qingtian would be discovered, so she said,
"I'm already asleep, Hua Niang, what else can I do?"

"Tonight there is a possibility that he likes you very much, let me let you know, he will come back in three days and arrange your first night.

Take a good rest these few days, wait for that person to come, and take good care of him. There should be no more accidents this time, understand? "

Hua Niang's voice carried a warning.

Die Wu also knows that she may be lucky once, but she can't be so lucky every time. Some things can't be escaped, so she can only accept the reality.

"Hua Niang, I understand, I will prepare well."

Die Wu answered in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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