Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 583

Chapter 583
Die Wu also wanted to leave, but more importantly, she remained calm.

Gu Qingtian's situation is already very troublesome, if there is another trouble because of her, she will blame herself very much.

Most importantly, things haven't reached the point of no return, so she doesn't want to give up.

"I have controlled this person with charm just now, when I wake up tomorrow morning, as long as I play a scene, he should be able to get away with it.

Mr. Gu, can you do me a favor? "

"What are you busy with?"

"Help me take off his clothes and put him on the bed. I'm going to make a show."


Without hesitation, Gu Qingtian took off the young city lord's clothes, and threw them naked on the bed.

Seeing that everything was ready, Die Wu bit her finger, leaving some blood on the bed.

Seeing this, Gu Qingtian was very puzzled, "It's fine, why are you hurting yourself?"

"This is Luohong..."

Die Wu blushed, this kind of thing is really difficult to explain, why does this man ask so many questions.

However, Gu Qingtian just likes to break the casserole and ask, "What is Luohong?"

"You...you ask others..."

Die Wu didn't want to answer anymore, even though she was a brothel girl, there was no need to avoid these things too much.

But for some reason, in front of Gu Qingtian, she just couldn't say those words naturally.

Seeing Die Wu's blushing face, Gu Qingtian decided not to ask for the time being, at worst, he would buy more books to read in the future.

"Okay, let's continue to practice. I feel that we can break through to the second-order spirit tonight."


Gu Qingtian nodded, and then the two entered the cultivation state again.


The next day, Die Wu really became a second-order spirit.

When the young city lord woke up and saw that he was naked and there was blood on the bed, he immediately laughed.

However, where did Die Wu go?

When the Young City Lord was wondering, Die Wu entered the room carrying a plate of pastries and porridge.

"Are you hungry? I just went to cook for you."

"You did all of these yourself?"

"Yes, you have a taste."

"It's really hard for you. I made you tired last night. You got up to cook again this morning. Die Wu, you are so virtuous. If I marry you in the future, I will be very happy!"

"Young City Master was joking. Die Wu is just a brothel dancer. It would be nice if she could make you laugh. How dare you ask for other things..."

Die Wu lowered her head, pretending to be shy on purpose, but she sneered in her heart.

These rich kids didn't take her seriously at all, she wouldn't believe such words.

"By the way, Die Wu, why don't I have many memories of last night? It's our first time, but I feel a little illusory."

The young city master was eating while recalling last night.

Die Wu's charm technique has just begun to practice, so it's not very good,

She was afraid of revealing the truth, so she immediately changed the subject and said, "You are so bad, I'm embarrassed to say this again..."

"The future wife of the Young City Mistress is shy?"

The young city lord smiled, his tone was to tease Die Wu, but he followed Die Wu's wishes and didn't say anything more.

After breakfast, the Young City Lord decided to leave. Before leaving, he looked at Die Wu solemnly, and said in a sincere tone,
"Die Wu, although you may not believe it, I really like you, especially when you dance like an elf.

If possible, let me take care of you in the future, okay? "

"Okay, then I'll wait for the young city lord to redeem me."

Die Wu responded with a smile, her acting skills are top-notch.

(End of this chapter)

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