Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 586

Chapter 586
The innocence she insisted on for so long is still gone.

But the target is Gu Qingtian, it doesn't seem so bad.

Gu Qingtian noticed Diewu's movement and woke up too.

He looked at Die Wu, with a smile that was brighter than the sun, and said in a hoarse voice, "Are you awake? Are you tired?"


Die Wu was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Gu Qingtian followed her words directly and said, "You are mine, and I will treat you well."

"Last night was an accident. You don't have to force yourself to be responsible for me. I don't mind."

Die Wu didn't want to cause trouble for others.

Gu Qingtian brought her into the world of cultivation and gave her cultivation techniques, he is her benefactor.

She didn't want to delay Gu Qingtian, and from the bottom of her heart, she felt that she was not worthy of Gu Qingtian.

"Die'er, I didn't force it, I really like you.

Didn't I act enough last night that you still don't understand?In this case, I don't mind continuing. "

After Gu Qingtian opened a certain new world, he spoke with a hint of hooliganism.

Die Wu blushed, it was the first time she experienced such a thing, and she didn't know what to say.

"You...you don't do this..."

"What are you doing?"

"I...you...do you really like me?"

Die Wu lowered her head, feeling a little guilty, afraid of hearing an answer she didn't want.

Gu Qingtian looked at Diewu firmly, without any hesitation, and responded directly, "I like you, really.

Die'er, we'll get married after I deal with some troubles, okay? "

"it is good……"

Die Wu smiled.

She obviously never trusted others, but she didn't know why, after meeting Gu Qingtian, she had 100% trust in him.

After agreeing on the marriage contract, Gu Qingtian counted the time and said to Die Wu, "Let's go."



Die Wu followed Gu Qingtian to leave, and the road ahead for the two of them was smooth.

However, after leaving Ganyang City, the number of pursuers began to increase.

Not only from the Young City Lord's side, but also from the Fengyun Sect. Die Wu then knew that Gu Qingtian had such a great background that he was actually the heir of the first sect in the Eastern Continent.

However, now that the Fengyun sect has undergone changes, many people want Gu Qingtian's life, and being with Gu Qingtian is not only dangerous, but also dangerous.

But no matter how dangerous it was, Die Wu didn't care.

It was Gu Qingtian who taught her how to practice and brought her into another world, so she didn't have to continue laughing in the brothel, that was enough.

Die Wu and Gu Qingtian fled for a long time before they escaped to a remote and safe small village.

After several months of tossing and turning, both of them were tired and decided to rest here.

The people in the small village are very friendly and do not reject these two outsiders.

It was here that Die Wu became pregnant.

Gu Qingtian was very happy. In order to give Die Wu a title, even though the conditions were not optimistic, he still gave Die Wu a decent wedding.

Everyone in the village came to bless them, and the young couple had a pretty good life.

Sometimes, Die Wu feels that it is good to maintain the status quo, as long as Gu Qingtian is with her, she has a child belonging to the two, and this life is worth it.

However, when she was in the third month of pregnancy, Gu Qingtian suddenly received a letter from Feige.

Die Wu didn't know what the specific content was, but Gu Qingtian didn't say a word after reading the letter, and then told Die Wu that he would leave for a while and come back soon.

(End of this chapter)

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