Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Die Wu said every word very reluctantly.

Gu Qingtian was still immersed in happiness and did not notice this change. He touched Diewu's belly and began to fantasize, "Lady, I have settled the situation with Fengyunzong. This time I will take you home. Wait until you go back After that, I organized a grand wedding to make up for the original regret.

And the name of the little guy, on the way here, I thought of several names, what do you think...


Before Gu Qingtian could finish his words, his heart felt a sharp pain, and his whole body limp on the ground.

"My lady... you... what did you drink for me just now?" Gu Qingtian felt that something was wrong with his body, he looked at Die Wu in disbelief, he couldn't believe that his favorite woman would poison him!
Die Wu held back the tears in her eyes, her heart hurt like a knife.

She didn't want to do this either, but for the sake of Gu Qingtian's life, she had to do that.

"What did you drink? Poison, of course.

Master Gu, do you think I really like you?Do you think you have been hiding for so long, no one really found you?

From the very beginning, you have fallen into our trap. Unexpectedly, I am the Supreme Elder.

During that time in Ganyanglou, I had been acting all the time. I didn't expect you to be so easy to deceive, but to be tricked by me.

Originally, when you returned to Fengyun Sect last time, the Supreme Elder could easily solve it, but I didn't expect that the plan went wrong and let you survive.

I have no choice but to continue to let me take your life. "

Die Wu's voice was very cold, and every word she said was against the will of her heart.

She didn't want to harm Gu Qingtian either, but she had no choice but to do this.

"No! Die'er! It's definitely not like this! You can't possibly betray me!"

Gu Qingtian couldn't believe that the woman he loved and trusted the most would treat him like this.

"Die'er, we still have children, if you don't like me, why would you be willing to have children for me..."

"Are you talking about this oil bottle? It's just to make you trust me. I conceived it on purpose. Now that you're going to die, she's worthless."

After finishing speaking, Die Wu condensed a wave of spiritual power and slapped her stomach hard.

With a "bang", the pants were dyed red.

There was a cruel smile on Die Wu's face, and she continued to say word by word, "You guys go to hell to meet..."


Gu Qingtian was completely disappointed, he wished he could kill Die Wu immediately, but his body had no strength.

Soon, he closed his eyes and fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, Su Yu, who had been watching a play outside the door, walked into the room.

Die Wu gritted her teeth, looked at Su Yu, and said coldly, "Are you satisfied now?"

"The play is good. You are worthless, so you should be on your way."

Cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots is Su Yu's consistent style.

It was only then that Die Wu realized that she had been tricked, and the other party would indeed let Gu Qingtian go, but he would definitely not let her go, and the child in her belly.

In the scene just now, Die Wu didn't really exert her strength, and she had prepared those bloodstains in advance.

As a mother, even if it was to save Gu Qingtian's life, she would not bear to hurt her child.

She had lied to Gu Qingtian, and even Su Yu, but she didn't expect that Su Yu would turn back on his promise now and demand her life!


Die Wu cursed secretly, and ran away directly out of the window.

Seeing that Die Wu moved freely, Su Yu immediately guessed that she must not have had an abortion.

In this case, she will give him another ride!
"Chasing! Must kill her!"

Su Yu gave orders to the Fengyunzong master behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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