Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 599

Chapter 599

"Have you taken care of your body? If you are well, go back to the detention room and continue to live here, which is a waste of the college's medical resources." Gu Qingtian spoke very viciously.

Die Wu's answer was even more decisive, "Then you just kill me, won't you save trouble? Why save me? You should be happier when I die?"

"Hmph, if you die easily, wouldn't it be too cheap for you? It's not that easy!"


Die Wu gritted her teeth, although everything she has chosen now is something she has already guessed.

But her heart still hurts so much.

Nangong Ling couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled at Gu Qingtian, "You old man, what's the point of bullying little girls all the time? Unfortunately, I thought you Fengyunzong were all gentlemen, but I didn't expect you to be such a villain! "

"Miss Nangong, this is a private matter between my young master and her, and has nothing to do with you."

"Sister Diewu and I are friends, her business is my business!"

"It seems that you haven't tasted the pain yet. One day, after you are also deceived by this woman, you will understand what this young master said."

"You don't play tricks here, I don't believe it!"

While talking to Gu Qingtian, Nangong Ling was looking for a breakthrough opportunity.

After many trials, she understood that it was impossible to steal the key from Gu Qingtian, so she had to take the opportunity to snatch it.

But Gu Qingtian's strength is higher than hers, so she must be careful, careful, and careful.

Gu Qingtian had seen through Nangong Ling's true thoughts early in the morning, so he directly took out a bunch of keys, waved them in front of Nangong Ling's eyes, and said, "You want this?"

Nangong Ling bit her lip and moved her throat. Although she didn't answer directly, her eyes had already betrayed her heart.

Afterwards, Gu Qingtian said again, "You let Die Wu kneel and kowtow to this young master, and I can give you the key, how about it?"

"Liar! Don't try to tease people!"

"My young master is telling the truth. If you don't believe me, then I can't help it." After Gu Qingtian finished speaking, he started playing with the keys.

Die Wu took a deep breath and her pupils shrank.

Based on her understanding of Gu Qingtian, she knows that Gu Qingtian is not lying now, but Gu Qingtian is the young master of Fengyun Sect, Ye Han is very important to them, will he be willing to let Ye Han go?
Or, is there any conspiracy in it?
Die Wu owed Ye Han a favor, and she always wanted to return it to Ye Han. If she knelt down to Gu Qingtian, Ye Han would be free, and she would kneel down without hesitation.

But I'm afraid that there is a conspiracy in it. After Ye Han is released, Ye Han will be harmed.

At this moment, Nangong Ling was also shaken. She felt that Gu Qingtian was not lying, but she couldn't say anything when Die Wu was asked to kneel down.

Ye Han is important, but sister Die Wu's dignity is also important.

This villain has been bullying Sister Diewu, if she asks Sister Diewu to kneel, it will definitely make the villain even more proud!

No, she can't do that!
"You give up!"

Nangong Ling sent Gu Qingtian these four words viciously, and then stopped talking.

Gu Qingtian smiled, then threw the key out of the window and said lightly, "Since you don't want it, forget it."

"You—what do you mean?" Nangong Ling was startled. She saw clearly that the key was indeed thrown out. This was an opportunity given to her by the other party for nothing!

How could this villain be so kind?
"Miss Nangong, if you don't pick it up again, I'm afraid you won't have a chance." Gu Qingtian's voice made it hard to hear the real emotion.

Nangong Ling didn't care anymore, the most important thing now was to save Ye Han!
Even if this villain has a conspiracy, she still has to try it!
(End of this chapter)

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