Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 602 Robbing Prison and Rescuing Ye Han 3

Chapter 602 Robbing Prison and Rescuing Ye Han 3
"I'm fine. Those people will still faint for a while. As long as I see you leave safely, I can go away with peace of mind." Nangong Ling grinned, the smile was as bright as Ye Han hadn't seen for a long time, like the sun, warming directly It reached Ye Han's heart.

He just likes Nangong Ling's straightforwardness, simplicity, and vitality like a little sun.

It's a pity that one of them is a human race and the other is a demon race, so they are destined not to be together.


Ye Han called out softly, the voice was so gentle that Nangong Ling's heart sank in an instant.

"I'm here!"

Nangong Ling nodded, looking at her sweetheart firmly, she wished that this moment could be longer, longer.

Unfortunately, what Ye Han said next made Nangong Ling very sad.

"I'm not good enough for you, forget about me."

After saying this, Ye Han crushed the space jade pendant that Nangong Ling had just sent, and disappeared into the cell in an instant.

Looking at the detention room that became empty and quiet in an instant, Nangong Ling smiled helplessly, and muttered to herself, "I want to forget you, but I can't..."

After saying this, Nangong Ling was about to leave the detention room.

But at this moment, someone came here again, Nangong Ling wanted to hide, but it was too late, so she had to pull out the whip around her waist and prepare to fight.

Although Ye Han is safe now, she still wanted to delay a little longer, so that Ye Han would have more chances to stay away from Fengyun College as much as possible.

However, just as Nangong Ling was preparing to fight, she discovered that the person who came was not from Fengyun Sect, but her friend—Ye Qingge.

Not only that, Gu Mo, Liang Wei, and Ye Chen also came here.

Seeing these people, Nangong Ling was very surprised. Did they all come to rescue Ye Han?
Before Nangong Ling could ask, Ye Qingge asked directly, "Why are you here alone? Where's Ye Han?"

"Ye Han has been let go by me." Nangong Ling replied truthfully.

"That's great!"

Ye Qingge laughed immediately. She originally wanted to rob the prison and save people, but she didn't expect Nangong Ling to be one step ahead of her.

Since then, she has saved a lot of trouble.

Liang Wei, Gu Mo, and Ye Chen, when they heard the news, their expressions were not very good. They all wanted to find the demon princess through Ye Han. Now that Ye Han is gone, how can they find her?
Fortunately, it should not have gone far, and it will be too late to send someone to look for it.

"It's not too late, let's leave first!"

Ye Qingge didn't want to waste time, fearing that Fengyun Academy would find out, so he proposed to leave.

Everyone nodded in agreement, but just as they were about to leave, a large number of people rushed in from outside.

The two leaders are Gu Qingtian and Su Yu!

Seeing everyone in the room, Su Yu frowned slightly, and said in a displeased voice, "Who is Ye Han?"

"Ye Han has gone far away, you will never find him." Nangong Ling's voice was tinged with pride.

Su Yu's face turned dark immediately, "Bitch, how dare you let the demons go? Do you know that he is the most important annoying person of Mr. Fengyun!"

"I know, but what does that have to do with me? Ye Han is my friend, if you hurt my friend, I will stand by his side."

"Damn it! Get her caught by Miss Ben!"

Su Yu ordered angrily to let the disciples of Fengyun Sect do it.

Ye Qingge immediately guarded Nangong Ling, and said to Su Yu, "I also participated in this matter, if you want to arrest someone, come to me."

"Oh, the future Princess Jue, right? You dare to let go of the demons before you are married to the King Jue.

If she marries the King Jue in the future, wouldn't she be standing on the side of the demons and using His Highness the King Jue's power to become a major disaster for the world? "

(End of this chapter)

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