Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 604 Proposal 1

Chapter 604 Proposal 1
"Why are you asking so much?"

Ye Chen responded angrily, he only warmed to Ye Qingge alone, and he didn't even bother to talk to the rest of them.

Nangong Ling shut all the doors, expressing that she didn't want to talk anymore.

A while later, at night, Yu Qianjue came to the detention room.

As soon as he came, he took the amnesty order from Fengyunzong and asked people to open the prison door, and he took Ye Qingge away.

No one from the student union dared to object, they obediently opened the door and asked Ye Qingge to leave.

Nangong Ling didn't want to stay in this kind of place, and immediately started hugging her thighs, "His Royal Highness, count me in too!"

"up to you."

Yu Qianjue's face was not very good-looking, he grabbed Ye Qingge's hand and walked away, ignoring Nangong Ling behind him.

As for Ye Chen, he is not within the scope of his bail.

After Ye Qingge followed Yu Qianjue out of the detention room, although she was very happy, she didn't know what to say when she saw Yu Qianjue's expression was not good.

What did you do wrong?
"Qianjue, thank you." No matter what, thank you first.

With a dark face, Yu Qianjue responded in an uneasy mood, "You want to save Ye Han, why didn't you call me?"

"Aren't you very busy? I looked for you, but I couldn't find you, so I went to my brother. And we just rescued Ye Han together, there is nothing else, don't get me wrong."

"When you went to seek revenge on Bai Lian'er, you were with Ye Chen, and when you went to rescue Ye Han, you were also with Ye Chen.

Xiao Geer, what am I in your heart? "

Yu Qianjue asked questions one after another, with a very heavy heart.

Ye Qingge also knew that something was wrong with her, but she really tried. It was Yu Qianjue who was not there at the critical moment, and she couldn't find it.

However, with Yu Qianjue's current temper, he would definitely be even more unhappy if he just played against the tune like this.

Ye Qingge had no choice but to put down a soft tone and whispered, "I promise, this will definitely be the last time, okay?"

Yu Qianjue still did not speak, with a sullen face.

In order to coax her sweetheart, Ye Qingge put her arms around Yu Qianjue's arm and kissed Yu Qianjue sideways.

Yu Qianjue stopped in his tracks, his expression relaxed a little, and his tone was three points domineering and seven points arrogant, "Not enough, kiss again."

"Good good~"

Ye Qingge smiled, hooked Yu Qianjue's neck directly, kissed Yu Qianjue's lips, and kissed actively.

In the number of kisses between the two, Ye Qingge rarely took the initiative. This time, Yu Qianjue felt that he had taken a big advantage.

Under Ye Qingge's sweet offensive, his mood gradually improved, and he enjoyed the kiss wholeheartedly, and then turned passive into active, with his long tongue and body, the sky thunder hooked the ground.


Ye Qingge was a little out of breath, suddenly changed from gentle wind and drizzle to rough lightning and thunder, she couldn't adapt to Yu Qianjue's rhythm.

But Yu Qianjue was so domineering, he locked her tightly in his arms and ravaged her fiercely.

It wasn't until Ye Qingge lost all strength and limp in his arms that he was satisfied to give her freedom.

At this moment, Ye Qingge was panting heavily, feeling that he was almost suffocating.

Seeing the flushed girl in his arms, Yu Qianjue's mood completely improved. He looked at Ye Qingge seriously, and said loudly, "Qingge, there is a long vacation after the beginning of spring. Let's go back to the Dragon Empire to get married."

"But I still have half a year left for Ji Ji, is it too early to get married?"

"It's not early, and it's just a ceremony. After getting married, I won't restrict your freedom. You can still study at Fengyun Academy."

"But your grandpa doesn't agree?" Ye Qingge looked worried.

(End of this chapter)

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