Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 608 Only Feeling for Die Wu 1

Chapter 608 Only Feeling for Die Wu 1
Was he ready from the start?

Also, is Yu Qianjue's identity really as simple as a prince?

It seems that I was careless, and I must have someone investigate it carefully.

After Ye Qingge and Nangong Ling both left the detention room, Ye Chen also left. Although he didn't have an amnesty order, and no one came to bail, but as the heir of the first family in Lingyu, no one wanted to leave directly. Dare to stop.

Gu Qingtian had already issued an order that if Ye Chen wanted to leave, he must not stop him.

After leaving the detention room, Ye Chen did not go back to the dormitory, but left Fengyun Academy overnight.

He has two things to do now, one is to find out the latest whereabouts of Ye Han, and the other is to find out what background Yu Qianjue has besides his identity as the king.

Staying in Fengyun Academy is just a waste of time for him.


At the same time, there is another very "lively" place in Fengyun College, and that is Gu Qingtian's dormitory.

Su Yu came to see Gu Qingtian this time because she heard that Gu Qingtian had a relationship with Die Wu again. She was afraid that Die Wu would tell the truth back then, so she hurried to Fengyun College.

The result was good for the time being, Die Wu did not tell the truth, and was tortured to death by Gu Qingtian, she was very happy.

But after being happy, I felt depressed again.

It has been two years, and she and Gu Qingtian have been engaged for two years. Gu Qingtian has never mentioned the official wedding, nor said when he will marry her.

In the beginning, Gu Qingtian would perfunctory her a bit, but now he doesn't even give her a perfunctory, and directly flirts at her.

"Qingtian, am I not pretty? I like you so much. I was a childhood sweetheart, and I have been by your side for the past two years. No matter what you do, I will support you.

Sometimes, Dad and Grandpa disagree with you, and I am willing to stand by your side.

I really like you, let me be your woman, okay? "

Su Yu lowered his posture, with a line of tears hanging on his face, looking very charming.

At this moment, Gu Qingtian was indeed a little shaken.

The woman in front of her is ten or a hundred times better than Die Wu.

He has indeed seen Su Yu's dedication these years, the reason why he is indifferent to her is not because he hates Su Yu, but because no matter what he does, he cannot be tempted by Su Yu, only Die Wu is in his heart.

In order not to give Su Yu hope, he had no choice but to become more and more indifferent.

But at this moment, Su Yu is as fragile as a rabbit that has been injured all the time. Compared with Die Wu who is like a hedgehog and a poisonous snake, Su Yu is really too beautiful, so beautiful that he feels that it is not bad to choose this woman.

Anyway, he will never be tempted again in this life, and it will be a matter of time before he gets married with Su Yu.

However, he didn't respond in the end!
Gu Qingtian was about to go crazy, at this moment, he looked in the direction of the medical center.

When he was with Die Wu a few days ago, there was no problem with his condition, could it be because he was wrong?

Gu Qingtian rushed towards the hospital. When he came to the door, the two guards at the door were about to say hello, but he stopped him with his eyes.

However, just when Gu Qingtian was about to break in, he heard conversations inside.

"Sister Diewu, Ye Han is finally safe. I plan to leave Fengyun Academy to find him. Can you go with me? That Gu Qingtian is a villain, to treat you like this.

If you stay in Fengyun Academy, you will definitely be killed by him. "

Nangong Ling's voice was full of anger. At first, she didn't know what kind of serious injury Die Wu had suffered, and she actually had to live in the hospital.

Just now she overheard the gossip in the hospital by accident, and she knew that Die Wu was raped by Gu Qingtian.

That kind of beast, she wished she could kill him!

But Die Wu stopped her, saying that she was sorry for Gu Qingtian, so she had no choice but to hold back.

"Ling'er, I know you're doing it for my own good, but some things are very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while. This is probably my fate."

"I don't believe in fate! You follow me, and I will definitely take you to a safe place, so that bastard can never find you again."

"You don't need to worry about me, really." Die Wu replied in a low voice, she is too weak now, leaving with Nangong Ling will only become a drag on Nangong Ling.

Nangong Ling quit, why both of them are like this.

She rescued Ye Han, but Ye Han refused to leave. She threatened him before leaving.

Now Die Wu is doing the same thing, damn it, if this is the case, then she will continue to threaten!
"Sister Diewu, are you really not leaving?" Nangong Ling continued to ask.

Die Wu is still the answer, "No."

"Well, you can stay, but I have to figure out one thing. What is the grievance between you and Gu Qingtian?

I have to know if he will actually kill you in the end, just to be safe, and then decide whether to take you away. "

Nangong Ling is very stubborn. If Die Wu doesn't leave, she must give her a reasonable reason. Otherwise, even if she is knocked out and carries the bag away, she doesn't care if it makes Die Wu unhappy.



Die Wu let out a long sigh. She never expected Nangong Ling to ask such an inquisitive question. What happened back then was too complicated, and it was a thorn in her heart, which she couldn't get rid of all these years.

Sometimes, I really want to find someone to talk to and relieve the depression in my heart.

But if you tell Su Yu and let Su Yu know, what should I do if she is not good for Qingtian?
(End of this chapter)

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