Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 611 Die Wu, acquitted

Chapter 611 Die Wu, acquitted

This time, Die Wu fell into a coma for three days and three nights before waking up.

The place where she woke up was not the hospital or the detention room, but the 707 she was familiar with.

Ye Qingge and Nangong Ling stood by her bed, seeing that Die Wu finally woke up, they felt relieved.

"I...how am I here?"

Die Wu's voice was hoarse, and it was very difficult for her to speak.

Nangong Ling immediately explained, "Gu Qingtian sent you here, he said that you have been acquitted, and Ma Kou's death has nothing to do with you."


Die Wu was very puzzled, she thought that Gu Qingtian would take advantage of this matter, and only gave up after knowing that she would be tormented to death, but she did not expect to let her go so soon.

"I don't know. That man looks so gloomy. I can't guess what he is thinking. Anyway, you are fine."

After Nangong Ling finished speaking, he smiled and began to peel apples for Die Wu to eat.

Ye Qingge gave Die Wu a few of the pills she researched first, and told her to take them on time and pay more attention to her body.

Die Wu was taken care of by her friends, her heart was warm, and her broken heart found some comfort.

Then, she scanned the room and found that Liang Wei didn't seem to be there.

Looking at Liangwei's bed, it's very tidy, as if she hasn't slept with anyone recently.

"Ling'er, Miss Ye, why isn't Liang Wei here?"

"She's actually a member of the Hunter Alliance. She has dropped out of school and went to chase Ye Han." Nangong Ling explained briefly.

After listening to Die Wu, she nodded thoughtfully, "It turns out that she is from the Hunter Alliance. No wonder she is so good at first glance. It is not easy to see. Sigh, if I have such good skills as hers, I don't have to be afraid of some people. people."

"Who are some people? Gu Qingtian?
Sister Diewu, Sister Qingge and I have already thought of a countermeasure. Sister Qingge will give you a bunch of poison. If that man wants to get close to you in the future, you just use the poison to put him down. Don't show mercy! "

Whenever Nangong Ling mentioned Gu Qingtian, she became angry.

Die Wu smiled, nodded, and stopped talking.

Ye Qingge was a little confused, as if he wanted to ask some questions, but he didn't ask them.

Knowing that Nangong Ling was hungry, after going out to eat and leaving the dormitory, Ye Qingge said, "Die Wu, you should know that I am very good at medicine."

"Well, what happened?"

"Your body, I checked it...the tear is serious...that...that..."

Ye Qingge was relatively calm at first, but after asking the key question, she still blushed,
"Doing that kind of thing, will it be so serious every time you get hurt?"


Die Wu was also embarrassed. The place where she was injured was very special. Although Ye Qingge was also a doctor, she was her friend.

It seems shameful to discuss this with an unmarried friend.

"Will it hurt? You seem to have never got out of bed since you met Gu Qingtian. Is it really painful?"

"You...don't say it..."

Die Wu covered her face and blushed completely.

Ye Qingge was also a little embarrassed, and then continued to explain, "Well, I don't mean anything else, I heard Linger say that you have a complicated relationship with Gu Qingtian.

It was a little unexpected that this happened, but…”

"He's actually my husband."

Fortunately, Die Wu made it clear so that Ye Qingge would not misunderstand him further.

Ye Qingge was stunned, "Ah? You're already married? And married to Gu Qingtian?! Then why did he treat you like this?"

"It's very complicated to talk about, so I won't explain it, and I hope you keep it a secret, even Linger can't tell.

With her big mouth, telling her is probably tantamount to announcing it to the world. "

(End of this chapter)

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