Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 623 Father Ye Qian

Chapter 623 Father Ye Qian
"Qingfeng" just kept looking at Elder Qian's back and ignored him at all.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let's go!" The senior brother came to Ye Qingge and pulled Ye Qingge's sleeve.

Ye Qingge was very conflicted, she finally saw her father, how could she just give up like this?

She must find out about it with her father.

"Elder Qian, Qingfeng has something very important to tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Ye Qian turned around and looked at Ye Qingge.

The moment the two looked at each other, Ye Qian sensed something was wrong. Today's breeze seems to be different from usual.

But he didn't ask too much, just continued to look at Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge looked serious, turned his head and said to senior senior brother, "Senior senior brother, this matter is very important, so we need to discuss it with Elder Qian alone."

"What important things can you have, kid? Don't disturb Elder Qian, go!" The elder brother always valued "Qingfeng" very much, and was very afraid that this kid would get into trouble if he was not careful.

So regardless of whether it was important or not, he directly decided to leave with "Breeze".

"You step back first."

Ye Qian opened his mouth and expressed his attitude in one sentence.

Eldest brother was still a little worried, but Elder Qian had already said so, and he couldn't object, so he had to say, "Yes."

Soon, the elder brother left the room and closed the door of the study before leaving.

Ye Qian stared at "Qingfeng", and said in a cold voice, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Elder Qian, do you still remember that you have a daughter named 'Ye Qingge'?" Ye Qingge's voice was neither high nor low, and her eyes kept paying attention to Ye Qian's every move.

Ye Qian was startled, he didn't expect "Qingfeng" to ask such a question suddenly!
He has been away from Qingyun Kingdom for many years, and has been working in a low-key manner in Fengyunzong, but someone still found him!

Who sent this "breeze"?

What is the purpose?
Suddenly, a killing intent flashed across Ye Qian's heart.

Ye Qingge noticed this killing intent, and immediately revealed her own voice, and said to Ye Qian, "Father, I am Qingge."

"Qing Song?!"

Ye Qian immediately restrained his killing intent, looking at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Ye Qingge immediately took out a elixir to remove the body's disguise and restore its original appearance.

When Ye Qian saw a face that was [-]% similar to Yue Wanrou appearing in front of his eyes, he was stunned!

It's a daughter!
Really his daughter!

"Qingge, why...how did you come here?"

Ye Qian was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He stepped forward and kept his eyes on Ye Qingge. He knew how dangerous Fengyunzong's defense was. It must have taken a lot of effort for Qingge to enter here.

It's all his father's incompetence, alas!
"Father, why haven't you been home all these years? Where is mother? Where is mother?" Ye Qingge asked in a low voice, feeling extremely excited.

Ye Qian's expression showed a bit of confusion, he thought for a long time, but he didn't answer Ye Qingge's question, but asked another question,
"Ye Han...how is it lately?"

"Father, do you remember Ye Han?"

"He was brought into the Ye family by your mother herself. Of course I remember that your mother said that his identity...is very special..."

"Ye Han is a demon."

"Looks like you already know."

Ye Qian let out a long sigh, some secrets cannot be covered with paper, and will be revealed sooner or later.

In this case, he can no longer hide it.

"Qingge, do you have a plum blossom birthmark on your body?" Ye Qian's expression suddenly became serious.


Ye Qingge nodded, her breathing began to tense.

(End of this chapter)

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