Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 630 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 3

Chapter 630 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 3
The more Ye Qian thought about it, the more worried he became, he had no choice but to remain silent for the time being, and joined the battle, hoping to break through the barrier of these two demon guardians as soon as possible, and go in to save his daughter,

At the same time, all members of the Hunter Alliance stood in a barrier not far away.

This enchantment can hide their tracks, block all smells and sounds, and now Yuqianjue and the demons are busy fighting, so they don't have time to notice them.

Gu Mo stood at the front and asked a man in red, "Do it now, or wait?"

"Of course, wait a bit. The demons haven't revealed all their strength. Without 100% certainty, I personally don't recommend showing up."

"Master Military Advisor, you are so slow every time, you can't wait, the boss can't wait." A fat man complained.

The man in red ignored the fat man, but looked at a girl in purple, and asked, "Liangwei, you said to do it now, or wait a little longer."

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Liang Wei responded coldly.

The man in red wanted to take the opportunity to talk to Liang Wei, but he didn't have the chance again.

The fat man joked, "Military Master, have you failed again? If you want to chase our sister Weiwei like this, it will be impossible in your next life!
By the way, sister Weiwei, you went to Dragon Empire a few days ago, why do I think you have changed?Could it be that someone who was destined to meet in the Dragon Empire? "

"To shut up!"

Liang Wei's voice was colder than before, but the panic flashed in her eyes, which seemed to confirm Fatty's statement.

The fat man continued to tease, "Hey, there is a problem! There must be a problem!"

"Don't talk about it, we are here today to find the demon princess. We need to use the blood of the demon princess to remove the poison in the boss's body. How can you still be in the mood to joke?" The ancient tomb looked serious.

The rest of the people stopped talking, but the fat man still complained a little, "I'm just adjusting the atmosphere..."

After finishing speaking, everyone in the Hunter Alliance continued to watch the battle from the sidelines.


pool of blood.

Two hours had passed, and Ye Qingge only felt that his limbs and bones had experienced hell-like sharpness, and every pore on his body was completely renewed. This was an indescribable subtle feeling.

And the plum blossom birthmark that was originally on her back has been quietly transferred to her forehead. Not only that, from the original nine petals that were pure black, now only one is black, and the rest are all red.

Eight out of nine of the seal in her body has been lifted.

"Girl, I didn't expect the demon seal in your body to be so powerful."

In the Qiankun space, Elder Kun let out a sigh of emotion.

Ye Qingge slowly opened his eyes, ignoring Elder Kun's words, and flew up from the pool of blood.

Although the blood pool gave her a lot of strength, she hated the feeling of being in the blood pool, it was sticky and uncomfortable at all.

"His Royal Highness said, don't let her leave the blood pool, beat her back!" A demon clan saw Ye Qingge was about to go ashore, so he immediately ordered.

Afterwards, all the demons beside the blood pool attacked Ye Qingge.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Qingge used a force at will, and it was this force that instantly killed all the surrounding demons with a "bang"!

"All dead?"

Ye Qingge was floating in the air, watching this scene in disbelief, she never thought that she had such great strength.

The movement in the blood pool soon attracted the attention of other demons, and soon, another group of demon guards came to the blood pool!
(End of this chapter)

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