Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 642 Liang Wei and Zhan Xian 2

Chapter 642 Liang Wei and Zhan Qianxian 2
After a quarter of an hour of chaos, Die Wu was helped into the room to rest.

After that, when Die Wu woke up again, she heard a piece of news that both made her happy and made her tangled.

She is pregnant.

Although the fat man and the man in red didn't have much dislike for this new member, being pregnant would definitely drag the Hunter Alliance back.

However, since she was brought in by Die Wu, the two of them still didn't say anything.

Gu Mo cared a lot, he liked children very much, and didn't mind Die Wu's existence, so he even made some anti-fetal pills for Die Wu.

After everyone left, Die Wu looked at her stomach helplessly.

Needless to say, the child must belong to Gu Qingtian.

When she was in Fengyun Academy, she was only afraid and wanted to escape from Gu Qingtian, but she never thought about pregnancy.

Now she has a child, and she still loves Gu Qingtian, so she will definitely keep this child.

It's a pity that there is Su Yu standing between her and Gu Qingtian, so this child is doomed to have no father in this life.

"Baby, I'm sorry... Your father wants to marry another woman, and mother can only wrong you..."

Die Wu doesn't have much hope for life anymore. He guesses that Gu Qingtian has become the suzerain at this time, and she should marry Su Yu in the near future. She only hopes that she will never meet the two of them again in this life, and let her alone It is already very good for people to live quietly with their children.


Back to the Dragon Empire.

Liang Wei rushed to get here from the Hunter Alliance, and it took half a month.

When she came to the National Teacher's Mansion where Zhan Qianxian lived, she looked unhappy. When the doorman saw her coming, he immediately greeted her with a smile, "Girl, Master Guoshi has been waiting for you for a long time."


Liang Wei responded coldly. As a professional killer, her mood is generally relatively stable.

But for some reason, when she was about to face that man, she just couldn't calm down.

The backyard of the National Teacher's Mansion.

Zhan Qianxian prepared sumptuous dishes on the stone table, and he sat under a peach blossom tree, waiting for the beautiful woman to return.

In the distance, he saw a purple figure.

She is still the same as before, she likes to wear purple.

"You're here." Zhan Qianxian stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Liang Wei asked coldly, "I'm already here, can you tell me the answer?"

"The journey is hard, I should be hungry, let's eat something first."

Zhan Qianxian was not in a hurry to answer Liang Wei's question, but let Liang Wei eat first.

Liang Wei didn't want to eat, but in order to get the news she wanted, she was forced to sit down and start eating.

Watching Liang Wei's every move, Zhan Qianxian stared at it carefully, and then couldn't help but sigh, "Long'er, you are still the same as before."

"Master Guoshi, I told you that you have mistaken someone. My name is not Ye Linglong, but Liang Wei."

Liang Wei corrected in a cold voice, she hates when people call her by the wrong name.

"But you are her." Zhan Qianxian was still so stubborn.

"I'm not her, I'm myself, not someone's substitute."

After saying this, Liang Wei stopped talking.

Soon, Liang Wei ate a lot of food on the table.

After eating, she continued to ask, "Can we talk now?"

"After you get the answer, you will leave immediately? Right?"

"if not?"

"Then you stay with me for three days. If you make me happy in these three days, I will tell you the news you want."

Zhan Qianxian was reluctant for Liang Wei to leave, but he had no other choice but to use this relatively rogue method.

Although she knew that Liang Wei would hate him, she had no other choice.

(End of this chapter)

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