Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 648 Liang Wei and Zhan Xian 8

Chapter 648 Liang Wei and Zhan Qianxian 8
"Sleep!" Liang Wei directly covered herself with the quilt, afraid that she would continue to be exposed.

As long as I survive tonight, two days will pass, and soon she will know the clues to rescue the boss, and then he will be Lika, and will have nothing to do with Zhan Qianxian from then on.

Yes, don't think too much, just get through these few days.


The night passed quickly.

On the third day, Zhan Qianxian became more and more reluctant to part with him. Apart from looking at Liang Wei, he still looked at Liang Wei, and most of the time passed before he knew it.

And this day, at dusk, Yu Anya came to make trouble again!
As soon as she came, she said, "Master Guoshi, I want to talk to you, give me a stick of incense time, after a stick of incense, I will never bother you again, this is the last time, please ..."

Yu Anya's voice was crying, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Liang Wei was stared at by Zhan Qianxian, she really wanted to be free, so she immediately said, "He promised you."

After finishing speaking, Liang Wei left directly, leaving only Yu Anya and Zhan Qianxian behind.

Seeing the opportunity, Yu Anya immediately approached Zhan Qianxian, Zhan Qianxian thought she was going to say something, and was about to warn Yu Anya, just say it where she was, but come over.

Unexpectedly, since then, Yu Anya has directly thrown a burst of incense powder on Zhan Qianxian.


No matter what, Zhan Qianxian would have thought that Yu Anya still had this kind of hurtful move!
"Master Guoshi, this is Misty Fragrance, you will soon lose control of yourself, and when Anya becomes your man, you won't reject me anymore, right?"

Yu Anya's face was full of madness.

Zhan Qianxian covered his head, only feeling that his body was getting heavier and his consciousness was getting more and more lax.

No, absolutely not!

Exhausting his last shred of reason, Zhan Qianxian punched Yu Anya flying, and then he went to find Liang Wei.

Liang Wei was watching the sunset in the backyard at this time, when she saw Zhan Qianxian hurriedly approaching, she looked a bit puzzled, "What happened?"

"Sorry, offended!"

After saying this, Zhan Qianxian walked into the house with Liang Wei in his arms.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Liang Wei didn't expect Zhan Qianxian to do this kind of thing suddenly. Judging by his appearance, he seems to have been drugged?


How come this is so?


The clothes were directly shattered by Zhan Qianxian, and Liang Wei was forcibly occupied by Zhan Qianxian before he could react.

After that, she wandered in the extremes of heaven and hell...

A heart that is completely lost.


The next day.

The medicinal effect of Miqingxiang lasted until the morning.

Liang Wei fell asleep because he was too tired, and Zhan Qianxian was also very tired, but his brain was extremely clear.

He finally did what he wanted to do the most but didn't dare to do yesterday. Looking at the woman in his arms, he was filled with fear.

She was afraid that Liang Wei would blame him when she woke up, and even more afraid that there would be no possibility between the two of them.

In this anxious mood, until dark, Liang Wei woke up.

And the three-day agreement has come to an end.

After Liang Wei woke up, she looked at the man covered in bruises and the guilt-faced man next to her. She looked calm and wanted to find clothes to wear, but found that the clothes had been shaken to pieces.

"Any new clothes?" she asked.


Zhan Qianxian immediately took out a new purple dress from the storage ring, which was the clothes he had prepared.

Liang Wei didn't cry or fuss, didn't say anything, after getting dressed quietly, she started to get to the point, "Now you should tell me how to save people."

"Just use Ye Qingge's blood, she is the demon princess, and she is not dead."

Zhan Qianxian told Liang Wei about this directly, originally it was destiny, and he couldn't just say it casually.

(End of this chapter)

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