Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 654: Demon Race Strikes 4

Chapter 654: Demon Race Strikes 4
Hunter League.

When everyone received the invitation letter from the Dragon Empire, their expressions were very surprised. After all, their organization ranked first on the most wanted list in Hongmeng Continent, in other words, they were evil forces.

Unexpectedly, today, the Dragon Empire would invite them to cooperate.

"Zhan Qianxian, you used to be the national teacher of the Dragon Empire, what do you think of this cooperation? Your emperor didn't dig a hole, waited for us to jump into it, and then wiped us all out?" The man in red He spoke in a cold voice, with a look of disdain.

He directly threw the invitation letter aside, and looked at Zhan Qianxian with provocative eyes.

Zhan Qianxian raised his eyebrows, and responded in a calm voice, "This time it's about the demons and the human world, this invitation letter is not a joke, let alone a trap.

Furthermore, the Longteng Empire will not be so despicable, it is not Yu Qianjue's style to catch you in this way. "

"Of course you help your old club and say good things, only ghosts will believe you—" The man in red still looked disdainful.

At this time, Die Wu stood up and said, "If it is true that the demon world is about to attack the human world, we should unite now and stop fighting among ourselves. And the appearance of the demon clan is the same as Zhan Qianxian's divination back then. The three-year agreement has arrived, the demon princess will appear soon, and the boss' poison has been cured..."

Speaking of the leader of the Hunter Alliance, everyone became much quieter.

Although the man in red was unwilling to cooperate at first, he gave in a lot at this time. He looked at Zhan Qianxian very reluctantly, and said in a cold voice, "You used to be from the Dragon Empire, so I will leave this matter to you. You can deal with it. If Dragon Empire needs to help our Hunter Alliance, it will be willing to cooperate.

But all this is not free, according to the rules, how much money should be given, the last dime must not be less. "

Zhan Qianxian smiled faintly. Although the man in red spoke very annoyingly, his heart was still kind.

But after the man in red is settled, there are still two more difficult problems.

Zhan Qianxian looked at Die Wu and said, "This time the Dragon Empire also invited Feng Yunzong, Gu Qingtian may go to the Dragon Empire, will you go with us, or stay here?"

"I want to take care of Xin'er, so I won't go with you. Xin'er is too young, and I'm afraid that something will happen to her after she arrives in the Dragon Empire."

Die Wu said on the surface that it was for the child, but in fact she didn't want to see that man.

Three years have passed, and there is no connection between them. With the help of the Hunter Alliance, Die Wu's strength has improved very quickly, but if so, she still cannot defeat Gu Qingtian alone.

She simply continued to stay in the old place, not to participate in those troubles.

"Well, it's better if you stay at home." Liang Wei already regards Die Wu as her best teammate, and she doesn't want her to have any contact with Gu Qingtian again, lest the old things be brought up again, which will only increase the sadness.

After finishing Die Wu, Zhan Qianxian looked at Gu Mo. Gu Mo was from the Gu Family of the Lingyu. This time, the Longteng Empire and the Gu Family also cooperated and invited all the families in the Lingyu.

If Gu Mo also went to Longteng Empire, he would definitely meet the Gu family, and he didn't know what would happen later.

But Gu Mo's strength is good, he is a first-class alchemist, if he doesn't go, the strength of the Hunter Alliance will be greatly reduced.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. After so many years, although I haven't let go, I won't be as impulsive as before. What should I do then? I know very well."

"It's good that you can think like this..." The man in red still looked worried.

(End of this chapter)

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