Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 656: Demon Race Strikes 6

Chapter 656: Demon Race Strikes 6
Gu Qingtian felt that Su Yu was getting more and more unreasonable. This woman has become more and more crazy since she broke off the engagement three years ago. If she hadn't considered how helpful she was to him back then, I'm afraid he wouldn't even look at her .

"You step back, the suzerain is tired and needs to rest." Gu Qingtian directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Su Yu angrily threw the snack in his hand to the ground.


The dishes shattered, Su Yu turned and left.

Gu Qingtian was still indifferent and did not speak.


Let's talk about the demons.

It took Ye Qingge three years to unify the demon clan. At first she just played casually and didn't care.

Later, as her subordinates became more and more powerful, she gradually had a sense of accomplishment, and finally within three years, she gathered all the demons and became the new king of the demons.

Yes, the current Ye Qingge is no longer the princess of the Demon Race, she already has the qualifications to be king.

All the demons called her, looking for a group of demon princesses back then, and became Her Majesty the Queen.

"Your Majesty, the plan to conquer the human world has been drawn up, and the territory of Qingyun Kingdom has been taken yesterday, becoming the first territory of our demon clan.

According to your order, we didn't hurt any human beings, and the rebels were also knocked out and locked up. What do you think about the follow-up? "

Tianlei looked at Ye Qingge excitedly. After all these years, he finally felt proud and could freely follow Her Majesty to fight in the world. This feeling is really great.

"Let's keep playing..." Ye Qingge responded very casually, and then looked around, "Where's my mother? Where did she go?"

"Qingyun Country is the hometown of the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager said she wanted to go home and have a look, but she has already gone back."

"Ah? Mother is too mean, why don't you call me?"

"This one……"

Tianlei was very guilty. In fact, Yue Wanrou wanted to ask Ye Qingge to go back that day, but Tianlei was afraid that Ye Qingge's human feelings would affect the plan of the demons, so he only let Yue Wanrou go back alone.

"Your Majesty, I'm not in a hurry to go back to Qingyun Country now, why don't I go back with you?" Ye Han suggested lightly.

Ye Qingge nodded, and immediately agreed, "Okay! Go back immediately!"

"Your Majesty, this..." Tianlei still wanted to stop, but seeing Ye Qingge's firm eyes, he knew that it was useless to say anything else.

Her Majesty lost her memory three years ago. Although she doesn't remember her past memories now, he is very afraid that after her Majesty returns, she will be emotionally touched by the scene, and if she accidentally remembers something, it will be terrible.

Tianlei waited a look at Ye Han, meaning how could you make such a suggestion.

Ye Han looked calm, he was just following Her Majesty's wishes, and didn't say anything casually.

In this way, the plan to capture the Hongmeng Continent continued according to the original steps.

It's just that Her Majesty the Queen, who is the coach, will not participate in this matter for the time being, and went back to Qingyun Country to play.


Ye Qingge and Ye Han rode a large flying beast, and they stood on their backs to watch the scenery below.

Ye Han said indifferently, "Your Majesty, these places will be your territory in the future, will you be happy?"

"I don't know, actually I don't want to start a war at all, but apart from this matter, I don't know what to do..." Ye Qingge sighed with boredom on his face.

Ye Han moved his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Afterwards, he felt that the atmosphere was too dull, so he couldn't help asking,

"Your Majesty, why did you order that human lives are not allowed to be harmed? When you unified the demons before, you didn't behave like this."

(End of this chapter)

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