Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 658: Demon Race Strikes 8

Chapter 658: Demon Race Strikes 8
Ye Han still had illusions, hoping that Ye Qingge could turn back in time.

However, the current Ye Qingge doesn't have a clear view of right and wrong, and she does many things as she pleases, just like a child.

The more others object to something, the more she wants to do it.

"This place is not fun, I have to go."

Ye Qingge didn't want to talk to these people, so she mounted the flying beast and flew towards the east.


"Her Majesty the Queen!"

Yue Wan and Ye Han yelled at the same time, but Ye Qingge didn't turn his head back, and didn't respond to them at all.

After a long time, Ye Qingge came to a quiet place.

It was already dark now, the moon was high in the sky, and besides the sound of crickets, the howling of wolves could be heard occasionally.

Ye Qingge was very bored, she patted the beast, and said to herself, "Xiao Hei, why am I losing my memory? Why can't I remember the past.

I'm so bored, I don't know what to do, ah - who am I?Why are you so confused? "

Ye Qingge talked to himself for a while, then lay on the back of the monster, recalling the past three years.

In the past three years, she has lived a very fulfilling and wonderful life. There are battles every day, and every time she encounters a lot of troubles, she will solve them.

But the more this happened, the more she felt that there was a hole in her heart, which was getting bigger and bigger, and she didn't know what to use to make it up.

She felt that she had forgotten something very important, and wanted to know the answer from Ye Han, but Ye Han just didn't tell her, and he hesitated every time.

"No, it seems that I have to find the answer myself!"

Ye Qingge's eyes were firm, and regardless of the war between the demons and humans, he directly ordered the flying beast to fly in the direction of Fengyun College.

Ye Han said that she used to go to school and read books in that place, if she looked there, she should be able to find clues.

three days later.

Fengyun Academy.

Ye Qingge came relatively low-key, and didn't even use flying beasts.

She decided to search for her previous memories by herself, and she didn't want Ye Han to find her, so she could only use this method.

When I came to an archive room, if I had gone to school in this kind of place before, there should be a record.

It's a pity that she doesn't know human characters!

In the past three years, Ye Qingge only unified the demon clan, and under the training of Tianlei Dihuo, she only learned the characters of the demon clan.

She knew nothing about human writing, not even her own name.

"Who's there? The archives room is an important place in the college, and ordinary people are forbidden to step in!" A majestic voice sounded.

Ye Qingge looked up, looking at the visitor.

Got it!

She asked people directly!
"Hello——" Ye Qingge greeted with a smile. This sentence seems to be a basic greeting for human communication. It should be correct, right?

"Old... boss?!"

Zhuang Yuncheng looked at Ye Qingge in surprise, his mouth was so big that he could eat two eggs.

He is not blind, is he?To actually see the boss who has disappeared for three years in this kind of place?

"Ahhhh! I must be dreaming, this is definitely vertigo, how could the boss appear in front of me?!"


Zhuang Yuncheng slapped himself hard!
What the hell!

it hurts!

This is not a dream!

"You...you can't be a disguised fake, right?" Zhuang Yuncheng continued to stare at Ye Qingge in disbelief.

"Are you the counterfeit? I am the real Ye Qingge, who are you? Did you know me before?" Ye Qingge asked curiously.

For some reason, she had no disgust or resistance to this guy who appeared suddenly, and even had an inexplicable familiarity.

(End of this chapter)

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