Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 664

Chapter 664
Qingyun country.

When Ye Qingge came back here again, most of the Demon Realm's troops had already been stationed here, and they waited for the next order from the commander.

Tian Lei Di Huo is very anxious at this time, because at such an important time, Ye Qingge has disappeared!
For several days in a row, there was no news at all, which scared them to death.

"Ye Han, do you know where Her Majesty is? Tell us quickly!" Tian Lei couldn't find anyone, so he asked Ye Han.

Even if he couldn't find the answer, he still troubled Ye Han. Who would make Ye Han have the best relationship with Her Majesty the Queen?

"I said that I don't know. It's useless how many times you ask. Moreover, with Her Majesty's strength, there are very few people in the entire Hongmeng Continent who can hurt her. You don't have to worry about it."

Ye Han responded calmly, his expression extremely calm.

Tianlei became even more anxious, "Now is the critical period of combat, humans have established a joint army, our commander disappeared without a trace, can you not be anxious?

You boy, you have been opposed to attacking the human world from the very beginning, and now you are so calm, I doubt that you deliberately hid Her Majesty the Queen! "

"Are you kidding? Things can be eaten, but you can't talk nonsense. I am loyal to His Majesty, how could I do such a thing? Tianlei, if you say that again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others!"

"I'm not human!"


"Okay, okay, stop arguing, Her Majesty has only been away for a few days, don't worry so much, if she comes back and sees the two of you arguing all the time, she will definitely be in a bad mood." The ground fire was relatively calm, Constantly persuading at this time.

At this moment, Ye Qingge just came back from the outside.

"I heard you arguing all the way, why are you arguing?" Ye Qingge asked coldly.

Tianlei was a little embarrassed and didn't speak.

Ye Han took the opportunity to make a small report, "Your Majesty, Tianlei Guardian suspected me of kidnapping you, saying that I deliberately hid you. We are all colleagues. How can you say he is like this?"

Ye Han had long been dissatisfied with Guardian Tianlei, and taking advantage of this opportunity, he insisted on stepping on him.

"Tianlei, is there really such a thing?" Ye Qingge asked coldly.

Tianlei's face changed immediately, and then he knelt on the ground and explained cautiously, "Your Majesty, I didn't mean that. I was just too worried about your safety, so I didn't speak freely. Please forgive me!"

"You offended Ye Han, not me. It's up to him to forgive or not." Ye Qingge looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han finally found a chance to restrain Tianlei, and he was immediately happy.

Tianlei was very reluctant, but in front of Ye Qingge, he still had to show some face.

So, he said unwillingly, "I misunderstood you just now, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"Well, I'm not as stingy as some guys, so I'll forgive you." Ye Leng replied in a cold voice.

A small episode, just like that.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han said, "Your Majesty, now that we have captured Qingyun Kingdom, what are we going to do next?"

"I am very interested in the Dragon Empire, and it will be the next location."


"What? Do you have an opinion?" Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows.

Tianlei quickly explained, "No, I definitely don't mean that. I just think that the Longteng Empire is too far away from Qingyun, which doesn't fit our previous battle plan."

"And then?" Ye Qingge continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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