Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 670 Gods Twilight Stone 6

Chapter 670 Gods Twilight Stone 6
Gong Wuchen rubbed his chin, he is a member of Fengwu Empire, he has checked all the information of Yue Wanrou, and he also knows a thing or two about the Dusk Stone of the Gods.

"If I'm not mistaken, that stone should be in the former princess' mansion now..."

"Really? That's great!"

Nangong Ling just came here to try his luck, but he didn't expect to find the Dusk Stone.

Now hearing what Gong Wuchen said, she feels that her hope has improved a lot, and she will definitely be able to find it!
"Can you take us there? We just want to use the Dusk Stone of the Gods to save Sister Qingge, and we will never do anything harmful to the Fengwu Empire, I swear to God!"

Nangong Ling was afraid that Gong Wuchen would not believe her, so she made a special oath.

Gong Wuchen smiled helplessly, he also wanted to save Ye Qingge, let alone one Dusk Stone of the Gods, even if there were ten, he didn't care.

"follow me."

Those four short words showed Gong Wuchen's determination.

Nangongling and Zhuang Yuncheng glanced at each other again, and followed Gong Wuchen to their destination.


Two days later.

The down-and-out eldest princess's mansion, here.

Nangong Ling stood in front of the desolate gate, with a somewhat emotional expression on her face. Sister Qingge's mother, the most famous Princess Princess of the Fengwu Empire, now lives in a depressed place.

"Come in with me. Since it was seized, it hasn't been touched at all. It is regarded as a forbidden area. We must make a quick decision. It is not good for others to find out."

Gong Wuchen carefully looked around, for fear of being discovered by the hidden guards.

Nan Gongling and the two nodded, followed Gong Wuchen and walked inside quietly.

According to the records, the Twilight Stone of the Gods was one of the princess's favorite treasures at the beginning, and it should be placed in the treasure house of the princess mansion.

However, when the three arrived at the treasure house, they found that the door of the treasure house was open!
"Someone has been here!" Zhuang Yuncheng immediately made a judgment.

Nangong Ling tentatively asked, "Are there other people inside?"

"Probably not, this is a forbidden area, and generally no one will break into it, unless that person's purpose is the same as ours..." Gong Wuchen said thoughtfully.

Nangong Ling also felt that it was very possible, who is the person inside?

"Let's go in and have a look!"

Nangong Ling suggested in a steady voice that it was not her style to wait outside all the time, and she wanted to see if there were any ghosts and ghosts inside.

Or, the "destined person" that Wu Ze mentioned is the one inside.

Taking cautious steps, Nangong Ling and the others came to the treasure house. Although the treasure house is not big, there is no winter inside. There are three floors inside and three floors outside, and there is a basement.

"That person seems to have left. Let's see if the Dusk Stone of the Gods has been taken away. Let's look for it separately."

"it is good."

Nangong Ling's three soldiers divided into three groups, one went to the left, one to the right, and the last one went to the basement to look.

And Nangong Ling went to the basement.

She held a lighting crystal in her hand, and when she reached the basement, it lit up the entire basement.

The treasure house is worthy of being a treasure house. There are all kinds of rare treasures in it. Of course, Nangong Ling grew up in the Nangong family, so she didn't pay much attention to these treasures.

Now, what she wants to do most is to find the Dusk Stone of the Gods.

"Why isn't it there? Could it have been taken away? You hateful little thief, you actually got ahead of my aunt!"

Nangong Ling muttered while searching the treasure house.

A black figure in the dark, when he heard Nangong Ling's words, his expression was extremely tangled.

For so many years, Ye Han never expected that he would reunite with Nangong Ling again on such an occasion.

(End of this chapter)

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