Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 672 Ye Han and Nangong Ling 2

Chapter 672 Ye Han and Nangong Ling 2
He also said, "The time is running out, we can't keep the elders waiting, let's go."

After finishing speaking, no matter how Nangong Ling reacted, the two directly pulled Nangong Ling away quickly.

After waiting outside, Nangong Ling couldn't bear it anymore, and asked loudly, "Where is there any elder? Why don't I know?"

"There was someone inside just now, he is a very powerful master, it is very likely that he was the one who was ahead of us, now hurry up and find a place to hide.

That person's strength is above ours, so he can't fight recklessly. "

"That's right, I also vaguely noticed something."

Zhuang Yuncheng followed suit.

Nangong Ling is completely drunk, and her strength is not bad, so why must she feel nothing at all?
Since these two people said so, let's find a place to hide first.

In this way, the three of them first hid in a secret corner of the princess mansion, which was also the only way from the treasure house to the outer door. They wanted to see who the little thief was this time.

After waiting for a stick of incense, the three finally heard footsteps.

But not from within, but from without.

In other words, someone came to the princess mansion again.

It seems that the Dusk Stone of the Gods has become the focus of many forces.

"It's him... that demon guard..."

Nangong Ling spoke in a low voice, and she recognized Tianlei immediately.

Three years ago, Tianlei was still Huangfu Qianqian's protector, and at that time prevented them from going in to find Ye Qingge, and then the magic palace exploded, and these protectors also disappeared.

Unexpectedly, we met again here!
"The demons are also here, and things are getting more and more complicated." Gong Wuchen frowned, feeling a little more heavy.

At this moment, a person walked out from the direction of the treasure house.

The man had a mask on his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but Nangong Ling felt that the figure was somewhat similar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"The demon guardian and the masked man are facing each other..."

Zhuang Yuncheng took a deep breath, curious about how it would develop next.

At this moment, Tianlei took the lead and said,

"Ye Han, I didn't expect that you would dare to disobey Her Majesty's order, saying that you were going to the Dragon Empire to survey the terrain, but you came to the Fengwu Empire to steal things. What did you take from the treasure house? Hurry up and hand it over!"

Tianlei has been following Ye Han, and followed here from Qingyun Kingdom, but was discovered by Ye Han an hour ago, and then got rid of him.

He quickly found Ye Han again and stopped Ye Han.

Nangong Ling hid in the dark, and when she heard that the person wearing the mask was actually Ye Han, her face was nothing but shocked!

No wonder she found this figure very familiar, it turned out to be Ye Han.

He's still alive and looks stronger than ever.

Why?Why did he never go to her?

Was he the one who was in the treasure house just now?Why didn't he come out and meet her...

The more Nangong Ling thought about it, the more anxious she became, and she wanted to go out and question Ye Han face to face.

Zhuang Yuncheng quickly grabbed Nangongling's hand, signaling her not to be impulsive, there is still a powerful demon clan, if Nangongling goes out, things will get complicated again.

For the current plan, we can only wait and see the changes.

"Tianlei, don't meddle in other people's business, what I want to do has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Leng opened his mouth coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

If Tian Lei and Tian Huo hadn't been encouraging Miss Six, Miss Six would not have become what she is now, so Ye Han has always been very dissatisfied with Tian Lei.

Tianlei was also very dissatisfied with Ye Han. As a demon, this kid didn't help Her Majesty the Queen to conquer the Hongmeng Continent. He always wanted Her Majesty to remember the past memories.

(End of this chapter)

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