All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 557 Dealing with Eunuchs

Chapter 557 Dealing with Eunuchs
Liang Jingshu really couldn't stand it.If this continues, Ding Xuemei is afraid that she will be humiliated by Bai Yang.She beckoned and asked the other women to call Lan Zhengdong and the others in, and they headed into the mine together.Sure enough, along the way, all the totems seemed to have failed, and there was no response at all.But no matter how they look at it, they can't see where the problem lies.

No one could imagine why the totem would fail.They can only attribute the reason to disrepair.Although they also felt that such an explanation was actually wrong.How could the totem that was strengthened just now become invalid?However, apart from this explanation, they really couldn't find any other explanation... Of course they didn't want to admit that Populus euphratica was responsible.

The mine continued to extend downwards, gradually reaching 30 meters underground.At this time, the mine suddenly became steeper, going straight up and down, and it was necessary to use the flying technique to go down.The vertical mine goes directly to [-] meters underground.That's where the Chihuo Tianzhi is cultivated.

With the continuous deepening, the temperature inside the mine also continued to increase, gradually increasing to more than several hundred degrees.Such a high temperature, if not a practitioner, it is impossible to enter.Continue down, the temperature is higher.

"The temperature is a bit high..." Liang Jingshu suddenly noticed something abnormal in the air, "There is a situation."

"Lan Zhengdong! What's going on here?" Ding Xuemei frowned and said, "Why did the temperature suddenly increase?"

"Girls, the temperature in the cave has gradually increased since three or four years ago. We have measured that in the past two or three years, the temperature in the mine has at least doubled. Occasionally, it will exceed one Qiandu." Lan Zhengdong explained, "But we don't know why."

He explained in detail that the increase in temperature in the cave is indeed somewhat abnormal.Normally, the temperature of the cave should be basically constant.However, after repeated inspections, they found nothing abnormal.Besides, rising temperature is beneficial to the growth and development of Chihuo Tianzhi.So, none of them were particularly worried.It was not until Chihuo Tianzhi did not grow that they speculated that it might be related to the increase in temperature.However, the cultivation materials of Chihuo Tianzhi said that the higher the temperature, the better, and the higher the temperature, the better the quality... They were also confused.

"The cultivation environment of Chihuo Tianzhi, the higher the temperature, the better..." Liang Jingshu frowned and said, "It stands to reason that it shouldn't..."

"It must be due to some reasons that the temperature rises. As long as we find out the reasons, we may be able to solve the mystery of Chihuo Tianzhi's inability to germinate." Ding Xuemei spoke quickly this time.Her opinion was agreed by everyone, and a group of people immediately entered the vertical cave one by one.

Liang Jingshu secretly observed Populus euphratica's flying technique, trying to see something.In the end, she unexpectedly discovered that what Populus Hu Yang cast was actually the extremely high-level Bi Luowu.In her heart, she couldn't help but thumped, feeling that Hu Yang's identity was getting more and more mysterious—it was not easy to cultivate Biluowu to a high level... Could this guy be a descendant of Biluocheng?
The senior members of the Lan family naturally noticed Populus euphratica's flying skills.They all sighed secretly, Lan Xi Asheng is out of time.If this Bai Yang hadn't been controlled by the undead holy demon, he must be the most outstanding son-in-law of the Lan family!To be able to cultivate Bi Luowu to such a high level, other martial arts levels must not be weak.In other words, Populus euphratica's comprehensive combat power is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners.He and Lan Xiya are together, they are simply the most perfect couple!

It's a pity that Bai Yang's body hides the most terrifying existence called the Holy Demon of the Necromancer, which is basically a dead person.No matter how much Lan Xiya likes him, it's useless.Even if Lan Xiya married in a legitimate way, what can he do?Can he deal with the terrifying undead holy demon?He will die in the end, Lan Xiya will definitely be a widow when the time comes...

When the upper echelons of the Lan family were struggling, Populus euphratica had already landed lightly to the bottom of the cave.The temperature here is even higher, well over [-] degrees.

Because of the extremely high temperature, all practitioners who come to the bottom of the cave must use special exercises to cool themselves down, so as not to be affected by the high temperature.Liang Jingshu quietly observed Populus euphratica again, and found that the cooling technique performed by Populus euphratica was actually the book of Baihuapiaoxue of Baihuagu.She couldn't help feeling suspicious again... Does this guy have anything to do with Baihua Valley?
Of course she knows Baihua Valley and Baihua Piaoxue Shenben.It would not be surprising if it was a girl who displayed the Hundred Flowers and Snow God Book.However, it happened that Populus euphratica used this technique, and it was very natural, without any trace, and the effect seemed to be very good, so it's strange... When did men start to practice Baihua Piaoxue Shenben?

"The Baihua Piaoxue God Book of Baihua Valley?" Ding Xuemei also saw some clues, and said to herself suspiciously, "Is he from Baihua Valley?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible..." This time it was Qiu Hongyan's turn to categorically deny it, she said firmly, "Unless he is a eunuch, it is impossible to cultivate the Hundred Flowers Piaoxue God Book..."

She suddenly realized something, her eyes kept flickering, and she quietly covered her lips.Liang Jingshu and Ding Xuemei looked at each other and felt something.Their expressions suddenly became very strange.Vaguely, there was actually a hint of pity in their eyes...

"It turns out that he is physically disabled..." Liang Jingshu's hostility towards Hu Yang was greatly reduced.

"It's really unexpected...he is... no wonder he is not afraid of the dead spirit..." Ding Xuemei also sympathized with Hu Yang.

Qiu Hongyan actually said a little sadly: "Yes, if a man doesn't have that ability, what's the point of being alive? Why should he be afraid if the dead spirit demon wants to kill him?"

Ding Xuemei nodded, with a dignified expression, and said slowly: "Since he is a eunuch, maybe we can take him back to the boat?"

Qiu Hongyan immediately echoed and said: "Okay, okay, okay, let's invite him to be our guest on the boat."

Liang Jingshu said cautiously: "We make decisions without authorization..."

The corner of Ding Xuemei's mouth raised slightly, and she said flatly: "If you dare not make the decision, I will take the responsibility."

Qiu Hongyan followed up and said, "If something happens, I will take responsibility."

Liang Jingshu said helplessly: "Okay, tell him then and see if he is willing."

Ding Xuemei said with a strange look: "Why would he not want to? We Dieyuhua have so many beauties for him to admire..."

Liang Jingshu vaguely felt that something was wrong.However, what was wrong in the end was not accurately grasped for a while.She subconsciously wanted to oppose Ding Xuemei and Qiu Hongyan's suggestion.However, when the words came to his lips, he quietly retracted them.Because, she suddenly saw that Populus euphratica was using the fire lotus secret!

That's right, it's the secret of the fire lotus of the Sha Nv Clan!Liang Jingshu was stunned for a moment.Immediately, she couldn't help being taken aback.

At the beginning, Liang Jingshu thought she had read it wrong.How could Populus euphratica know the secret of using fire lotus?That is also a martial art that only women can practice!If a man wants to practice, unless he is from the palace, turn himself into a eunuch!Since Hu Yang can practice Baihua Piaoxue Godbook and the secret of Fire Lotus, it shows that he is indeed an eunuch!

It seems that my guard against Populus euphratica is completely superfluous.This guy is from the eunuch at all.He is not a normal man at all.In other words, the humiliation I encountered before was not considered as humiliation from men to them at all.They were just hugged by a eunuch, no big deal.

After finding an excuse, Liang Jingshu immediately felt much more relaxed.Dealing with a eunuch, they have no pressure at all!

(End of this chapter)

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