I'm coming back after wearing the scum

Chapter 676 Overlord's Black Moonlight 52

Chapter 676 Overlord's Black Moonlight 52
"@古史臣, who is Weiwei/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~"

"@小离, I don't know any Weiwei."

"@古司臣, I believe in you, come and eat, I made a lot of delicious o(∩_∩)o~~"

"@小去, I'll be down right away."

Everyone looked at the two @来@去 in bewilderment, and fed them dog food abruptly.

Simply shameless.

And poor Vivi.

Mr. Gu can't even think of someone like you.

After Gu Sichen went downstairs, the first thing he did was to scold Li Li.

"Can't you stop tweeting?"

It made him have to explain every time, and he was also very busy.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Gu Sichen listened to Li Li and agreed without hesitation.

It doesn't feel very reliable anyway.

"Sichen, all my money has been spent on Xiao Hei's medical treatment. He has no money."

Li Li shamelessly expressed her desire for money.

And what she said was true.

Xiao Hei, a bastard, has been admitted to the hospital again and again, and has already spent all her savings, and now she has no money.

Tomorrow, she will pick him up and leave the hospital, and this kid will definitely cost her a fortune.

It's all my own family, so it's okay to ask for some money.

"Take it."

Gu Sichen threw out the bank card he had prepared long ago.

He has long known that she spends money like water.

Although he has a lot of money, he still tells him uneasy: "Don't spend money indiscriminately."

"Don't worry, I promise not."

The moment he got the card, Li Li took a close-up of the card and himself, made a mosaic on the card number, and then posted it on Weibo.

"The card my dear gave me, I'm so happy!"

Gu Sichen looked at Li Li who was taking pictures randomly.

Worried: "Did you post on Weibo again? I didn't tell you not to post randomly."

"I didn't post randomly, I'm so happy, I want to post on Weibo when I'm happy."

Mo Li looked at Ka with admiration, it seemed that her task would be completed soon.

Gu Sichen was speechless.

He was suddenly worried about his card.

But it has been given to Li Li, and it can never be taken back.

After a day of Weibo, everyone has had enough dog food.

And they couldn't spray anymore.

After Mo Li fell asleep happily, a post suddenly became popular.

"Let's take a look at the black history of Mr. Gu being cheated by a bitch in those years"

The article pointed out that she was Zhang Lili's best friend, and how Zhang Lili shamelessly lied to Gu Sichen who was innocent in those years.

There is also a follow-up audio, which is what Mo Li said in those years that made Gu Sichen sad.

The whole network is full of ups and downs again, and they finally found a chance to spray it.

Although the post disappeared after posting for a while, these black fans finally found a chance to capture Li Li's Weibo.

Mo Li didn't know anything about this.

I only know that when I woke up the next day, there were a lot of big files on my phone.[email protected]her post.

There was even a girl named Weiwei.

The registration stated that it was an actor under Gu's banner.

She observed this person a little more.

This woman actually asked her to give everyone an explanation.

She has nothing to say.

"@维娟, I don't need to explain to others, I just need to explain to Chenchen. Why should I care about those people's malicious slander?"

Li Li felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Really little wit.

"@小离, are the words on the audio true?"

However, the one named Weiwei is steadfastly grasping at this point.

Although that post has been deleted, there are still countless others that have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Mo Li secretly heard it.

Speech is arrogant, domineering, and arrogant.

She couldn't even listen to herself.

If Gu Sichen hears it again, he will definitely be irritated.

(End of this chapter)

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