The shrew of time travel

Chapter 113 I committed a crime, Hua Pozi

Chapter 113 I committed a crime, Hua Pozi

"Father, mother, you talk!"

The answer to Lin Erjie's son was a moment of silence.

The second sister Lin cried again and then raised her head.

"Bah! Poor lady, you are bad at marriage, you beat mandarin ducks with a club! As the saying goes, 'It is better to tear down ten temples than destroy one marriage', you will be punished!"

After spitting on the ground, Second Sister Lin's eyes were red with resentment.

"Bah, bah, bah! Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji! It's really a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart! This arm can't twist his thigh, and you can see what the Mu family is doing now. Now it's spread all over the village. , the life and death of the wooden peg is uncertain now, second sister, do you have the heart for your father to be like that?"

They are all from the same village. If she does this, no one will ask her to be a matchmaker in the future.

"You're talking nonsense! Uncle Mu went out to work, and he'll be back in ten days and half a month. You old godmothers are the ones talking about it. Otherwise, how could there be such news in the village?"

"Look, look, look, everyone says that this girl is extroverted. I've seen it today. For a family who divorced, she didn't care about the life and death of her parents. Tsk tsk, so it seems that the marriage of the Mu family has retired. , then the Li family may not be able to succeed!"

I don't know how to break up with Lin's second sister, so Hua Pozi simply doesn't waste this spit.

Turning around, he left the conversation to the Lin family couple.

"Okay, Second Sister. What does this weeping look like! Go back to the house!"

Lin Quan frowned, after all, he was very unhappy to be provoked by Hua Pozi's words.

"Anyway, I won't marry, I won't marry!"

After shouting, the second sister Lin went into the house crying.

"Her aunt, you also saw that the second sister is not willing. The marriage of the Mu family has also retired, so let's forget about the Li family."

Lin also looked embarrassed, but spoke softly and kindly.

"Think about it clearly. It's not easy for this retired girl to get married. Although the little brother of the Li family has some problems with his legs and feet, he has ten acres of land, ten acres of land! This end The second sister married and will not worry about food or clothing in the future, just sit at home, and the ten acres of land can also collect a lot of rent!"

The flower matchmaker stared at her eyes, clasped her arms in both hands, and secretly ran on the Lin couple for their ignorance.

"Her aunt, the little brother of the Li family is ten years older than our second sister! This twisted melon is not sweet. Now that we have retired, the young master of the Yan family can't say anything more. Think about our family It is impossible for the second sister to marry the Li family."

Although Lin's words were soft, his attitude was tough.

"The head of the family, our family is poor, but we can't do the thing of selling girls for glory! The second sister's marriage has been retired, and we can't feel sorry for the girl. Do you still want to force her to death? You don't care about this. If you agree, our family will be disbanded. We only have two daughters in total. The eldest daughter is already married, and the second sister can no longer leave me. There is no hope for the marriage of the Mu family. This incident happened Son, the second sister's reputation is also ruined, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find a good family in the village. If you insist on forcing the second sister to marry, our mother and I will leave, and I will leave you alone. Do you think What's the matter, figure it out for yourself."

Lin Quan held his head, knowing that this was Lin's biggest concession.

"Her aunt, you've seen this too. I can't do anything about the Li family's marriage. As for the silver lock, we were the ones who retired first. I'm sorry for the Mu family, so I don't want it anymore."

 Dear readers, Dangdang heard that there is a new book list that needs a lot of votes, let's work hard to climb it together??? Thank you dears, okay~~~
(End of this chapter)

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