The shrew of time travel

Chapter 124 Ask for some interest

Chapter 124 Ask for some interest

Finally it was done, Mu Si took the silver and walked out of the door of Zuixian Tower, feeling a sense of steadfastness in his heart.

Even walking is jumping and jumping.

Happiness is written all over his face.

"You seem to have forgotten something..."

Seeing the happy expression on Mu Si's face, Mu Weichen secretly curled the corners of his lips, it's time to ask for some interest.

Doesn't she feel that her wounded heart needs comfort?


Mu Si asked reflexively, but left the matter of Mu Weichen's previous black face out of the sky.

"Let's not talk about how much people have taken advantage of this trip, but it will take a little hard work to follow you here at night."

"This... let's do it! How much do you want?"

Mu Si frowned, but he didn't expect that Mu Weichen, who looked like a human being, could still fall in love with these three taels of silver.

"Don't you think Ben... I'm worth your three taels of silver?"

Seeing Mu Si's generous sacrifice, the tangled expression that seems to be piercing the heart, the seventh uncle just wants to say that the heart is pierced, old iron! ! !

"No...not this...of course you are more than three taels of silver..."

Mu Si watched the face that was getting closer and closer to him, and fear suddenly arose in his heart, and quickly swallowed the phrase "Your old market, no matter what, you will have to pay ten taels" back into his stomach.

He swallowed hard.

"No, what do you want to do? Kill people to kill people? Destroy corpses? Emma, ​​grandpa seventh uncle, I swear to God, you know what happened today, God knows everything, I will never tell anyone else gone."

As he said that, Mu Si hurriedly put the money into his pocket, raised three fingers and began to swear.


If you don't tell others, won't others know?
Bo Yifei, who was hiding in the dark, must have had stomach cramps from laughing now!

Not to mention it's okay, after Mu Si's reminder, Mu Weichen felt that his head started to hurt.

"What do you want?"

Facing Yu Da Hammer and Wood Si, she still had a chance of winning, but seeing this master, she had no choice but to surrender.

Not to mention that this guy is her savior, just because of how fast she is flying back and forth, she has no chance to resist.

Mu Weichen was somewhat satisfied with what he said.

"I just want to ask for some interest..."

As he spoke, he brought Mu Si into his arms, and opened the unsuitable scene for children.

"Woo~~~~~~Uh! Let go! Let go!"

Mu Si naturally struggled a lot, but to no avail.

"Don't move! If you move again, I don't guarantee that you will get back your principal with interest!"

Finally letting go of Mu Si and holding her in his arms, Mu Weichen expressed that he needed to calm down.

"Let go! You rascal!!!"

Mu Si is not willing to listen, trying his best to get rid of Mu Weichen's control.

"To each other, compared to someone who stripped my clothes as soon as we met, it's really nothing. It's not that I haven't hugged me before, but I'm struggling now. What's this called? Playing hard to get?"

Mu Weichen tried his best to restrain him, even if Mu Si struggled so hard, he couldn't break away from Mu Weichen's iron arm.

"Nonsense! You are running the train with your mouth full!"

Mu Weichen was no stranger to the new words that popped out of Mu Si's mouth from time to time.

"Well, I have to tell you seriously, if this is what you want, you have successfully aroused the interest of the Lord."

good! ! !Stamp it! ! !
"Who... who... um... who is playing hard to get? You narcissistic man!! Uh..."

The hard-working Mu Si had no chance to speak again, his lips were already sausage mouths, needless to say.

Along the way, Mu Si walked fast on his two legs, afraid that he would stop and be bullied by Mu Weichen again.

It's just that no matter how fast Mu Si walked, Mu Weichen walked forward side by side with her, not even half a point behind...

(End of this chapter)

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