The shrew of time travel

Chapter 126 It's time for revenge

Chapter 126 It's time for revenge

"Mom, what does this mean? That bitch is a ghost?"

Mu Lian'er was quite frightened by Mu's ferocious face, plus it was already dark, when it came to ghosts and gods, she was already at a loss.

"Whether she is a ghost or not is not important, the key is that we need her to be, and she must be."

Being teased by Mu Si again and again, Mu's family has jumped the wall in a hurry.

Not to mention the distance, Yan Kuan and Yu Sledgehammer are troublesome.

Now that time is getting tighter, she can't let go of this rare opportunity like this.

"She's not at home right now, so let's settle this matter for her. When she comes back, it will be too late..."

What Mrs. Mu said was gnashing of teeth.

"That's what I said, but it's late at night, what can we think of?"

Hearing the Mu family's nonsense, but what's the use of saying it well?

"Hmph, we didn't recruit for this matter, but it doesn't mean that others didn't recruit either. Forgot what the lady-in-law does? She protects the media and pretends to be a ghost! It's true that there is a way to heaven, she will not go, and there is no way to hell, she will come. Vote! You said it was not good for her to offend anyone, but she actually offended Mrs. Hua. But it was she who was stupid, so she gave us a chance..."

Mrs. Mu licked the corner of his mouth, like a demon in hell who wanted to eat people.

"Don't be too happy too early. It's not too late to be happy when things are done. Well, now that I have an idea, I'll go back. The academy will be closed soon."

Mu Feng stood up, shook his robe and said he was going to leave.

"Okay, the matter of the academy is important. Take this tael of money with you, and don't wrong yourself if you are away from home."

Looking at the one tael of silver, he caught sight of Mu Lianer looking eagerly from the corner of his eyes, but Mu Feng didn't reach out his hand after all.

"The monthly money given by the academy hasn't been spent yet, so you should keep this money for Sister Lian to make clothes for."

As soon as the words were finished, Mu Lian'er snatched the silver from Mrs. Mu.

"Thank you fourth brother!"

Mu Feng was speechless, turned around and left, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The so-called 'if you want to take it, you must first give it', this truth is very clear to him.

"Sister Lian, stop being dazed, invite your Aunt Hua over, and say 'it's time for revenge'."


Let's talk about the small courtyard of the Mu family.

The lights in the north room are like beans, and the whole family guards a table of food, and no one touches their chopsticks.

"I still have to work tomorrow, so hurry up and eat, go to sleep after eating, mother is not sleepy."

Mrs. Xiaomu has said this word over and over several times, but no one moves chopsticks, let alone moves, and of course no one speaks.

"Or I'll go out and look for it."

Mu Wenhao couldn't stand the dull atmosphere, so he stood up and was about to go out.

"Where are you going to find this black light? Don't look back and lose you."

Accidents happened again and again at home, and now even Si'er didn't know if he was lost, and he was already like a frightened bird.

"It's okay, don't worry about what happens to my young man, just drink this meal and go to sleep, ah."

Mu Wenhao paused when he stepped out, then turned his head and said to Mrs. Mu.

"My child, how can I not worry about this? Let's go, let's go. This girl has a big idea. If she doesn't come back this evening, how can I feel relieved?"

Mrs. Xiaomu shook her head helplessly, her face full of worry.

"Si'er went out in men's clothes when she went out. She said she had something to do and she probably came back late. Maybe it's because the matter hasn't been finished yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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