Chapter 133

Before Mu Si opened his mouth to refute, Mu Weichen pushed out his slender hand, and Hua Pozi's body that had just stood still, flew out like this.

" hit me..."

Because of Hua Pozi's huge tonnage, there was a bang when she landed, and everyone's teeth were sore.

How painful it is!
"Uh, I'm just showing you a demonstration. Uh, by the way, this is not called ghost possession, this is called Kung Fu..."

Mu Weichen was slightly embarrassed, with an innocent look on his face.

Seeing Mu Weichen's cute look, Mu Si almost hurt himself from laughing.

It's obviously a big bad wolf, but it pretends to be a big white rabbit. Is Jiang Zi really good?

"You! You are also a ghost!"

The flower matchmaker fell into a dog gnawing mud, and was furious all of a sudden!

Pointing at Mu Weichen, he shouted angrily.

Everyone took a few steps back when they heard the words.

Mu Weichen pointed to his nose with a fan, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm a ghost? So that's how you define people and ghosts! Hahahaha... As the saying goes, 'People have form, but ghosts have no shadow'. Even if there are ghosts in this world, they should be invisible. Why do we two A big living person is a ghost if he stops here?"

With his arms outstretched, Mu Weichen's eyes were looking at the shadow on the ground.

Seeing that this was indeed the case, everyone turned their heads and changed the subject.

Mu Weichen turned his attention to Hua Pozi again.

I saw a smirk on Pozi Hua's fat face.

"Maybe it's a wrong calculation, but it's not necessarily a wrong calculation."

She also wanted to make up a lie to fool her, but her whole body fell to the ground, hissing and hurting.

If she does this twice again, she is really afraid that the remaining 30 to [-] years will be revealed, and she will be sent directly to the King of Hades.

"I just said that the fourth sister is not a ghost. Hey, a big stone in my heart has fallen to the ground! Hey, who would have thought that this great fairy could talk nonsense?"

Hong Yuniang patted her chest.

"It's fine if it's not a ghost, it's fine if it's not a ghost. Hey, Shuanzi's family is pitiful enough. If something like this really happens, I really don't know what to do."

"Who says it's not! She just has a hard life, and it's not bad to lose a few children. But this old woman really killed a person! Is it possible to talk nonsense about such things?"

Mu Si's suspicion was cleared, and Hong Yuniang felt lucky to survive the catastrophe.

"Hey, it's my luck that it's not my turn. It's really good. How did Mrs. Hua find Shuanzi's house?"

The aunt rubbed her shoulders, still feeling lingering fear.

"Hi! I was also confused by her earlier, but I understood everything when I saw Yan Kuan. Did you forget the two days ago?"

Speaking of Yan Kuan, Hong Yu Niang subconsciously lowered her voice.

"Really? Really! Who would have thought of this? Tsk tsk, what a crime!"


This kind of conversation has been going on among the crowd, and it doesn't mean to stop at all.

The power of gossip is really not to be underestimated, and she actually learned the truth of the matter invisibly while talking.

Everyone tacitly agreed, although they didn't say it clearly, but in the future, if they want to find marriages for their children, they probably won't find a woman.

"Fourth sister is not a ghost, how did my cow die?!! Village chief, you have to decide for me! That cow is my lifeblood!"

The black widow also cleansed Mu Si when she saw Mu Si, so who is going to settle the blame!
"I think the flower matchmaker can solve this matter."

He still remembers clearly the time when the crowd didn't listen to his persuasion and came to the small courtyard of Mu's family surrounded by Mrs. Hua.

Now is the time to establish prestige, how could Cui Yuren miss this great opportunity?

(End of this chapter)

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