The shrew of time travel

Chapter 140 I know this silver lock!

Chapter 140 I know this silver lock!

Returning to Shenmu Si, he also felt that his reaction was a bit exaggerated.

I feel a little embarrassed right now.

Cui Yuren looked back and saw that there was indeed a pit.

"Eh? What is this?"

Cui Yuren noticed with sharp eyes that there was something else in the pit.

Mu Si took a closer look, and his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this the little silver lock that the second sister of the Lin family gave her elder brother as a token of love?

Great, why are you here?

No, no, not to mention how the silver lock appeared, it is really not a good thing to have this thing in this place at this time.

While thinking about it, Cui Yuren had already studied the pit over and over again.

"This should be left by the person who poisoned it. Come and take a look, does anyone recognize this silver lock?"

All of a sudden, the news that the village chief found the evidence spread among the crowd.

The villagers quickly gathered together, and the second sister Lin was already at a loss.

That silver lock was hers, she naturally recognized it.

It's just that it was snatched away by Hua Pozi in the afternoon, presumably it was left behind when it was poisoned.

She knew who the murderer was.

But it is absolutely impossible for her to testify.

In order to keep her family's land, she even withdrew her relatives.

Something went wrong at this juncture, isn't the previous sacrifice all in vain?
However, if she didn't say anything and the silver lock was recognized by others, wouldn't it be she who planted the poison?

Thousands of thoughts flashed through my mind one by one, shaking her head, Second Sister Lin's face suddenly turned ashen.

For a girl in a boudoir, how could she be calm when encountering such a thing?

"That silver lock, I know it!"

Suddenly, the roar crossed the night sky of Shuiyu Village, like thunder on the ground.

It was the woman who was 'surveilled' by Master Luo Mu Weichen.

It's hard to sleep tonight...

Everyone turned their attention to Mrs. Hua.

I saw that he was refreshed and very proud at the moment, how can it be described as a happy one?

This silver lock was supposed to be in the hands of the second sister of the Lin family, but now it suddenly appeared here, could it be that I underestimated this beautiful woman?
Originally, this was a chain meter, the hole had already been dug, and he just waited for himself to jump down?
But soon, Mu Si denied this idea.

As long as the Mu family or Hua Pozi have such an IQ, they wouldn't be defeated when they confronted themselves!

Among the crowd, Mu Mingjun stared straight at the silver lock.

Who else would be more familiar with that silver lock than him?

In just a few months, from the moment the silver lock came into his hands, he kept touching and rubbing it, and he remembered every grain of it very clearly.

However, no matter what the crowd thought, Hua Pozi was already valiantly standing in front of people again from a dark corner, becoming the focus of everyone.

Seeing Mrs. Hua's complacency, the corner of Mu Si's mouth twitched disdainfully.

At this moment, I thought that I was going to become a serf and sing, was it a little too early to be happy?
But now I have to let her be proud for a while, after all, I have to see what she has to say.

"Oh? Flower matchmaker, have you recovered from your illness?"

Cui Yuren subconsciously resisted Mrs. Hua, always thinking that nothing good would happen when she appeared.

"alright, alright!"

Hua Pozi's voice immediately rose an octave, and that sound was like a bell.

With a smile on his face, his obese body swayed left and right in the crowd, and soon squeezed in front of Cui Yuren.

"I know this silver lock!"

(End of this chapter)

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