The shrew of time travel

Chapter 158 The Imposter Comes

Chapter 158 The Imposter Comes

Taking a deep look at Mu Si, Mu Weichen finally gave in.

"That's a good thing, you think I'm willing to go..."

Mu Sigeng mumbled something with his neck in his throat, needless to say in a small voice, but where did the feeling of guilty conscience come from, even Mu Si himself couldn't tell.

Because Mu Weichen was still angry, the journey was very quiet.

When they got to the front gate of Zuixian Tower, Mu Si and the two didn't intend to stop, but a girl came out out of thin air.

"Young master, you are here. I have been waiting here for a long time."

Mu Si and the two looked at each other, it was a person they had never seen before.

"I don't know if there is something wrong with the girl waiting for my son?"

Doubts are doubts, words still have to be said.

"The girl is really good at joking. Naturally, she came to get the ancestral secret throat balm."

Xiao Xing'er curled her eyelashes and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Didn't it be agreed to be at the back door?"

The corners of Mu Si's mouth turned up slightly, it seems that this loquat paste is selling well.

"Isn't it because you are afraid that the young master will not know the way when you come to the door for the first time? Don't you think so, young master?"

As she said that, Xiao Xing'er gave Mu Weichen a flattering smile.

"I underestimated you, what are you going to do?"

It was Mu Weichen who said this to Mu Si.

What a rare compliment, Mu Si is so proud.

"We brought the secret throat balm handed down from our ancestors, but I don't know who you are doing for."

"Hehe, what does the girl mean? Of course it's Miss Mudan. Why, does the girl have an appointment with someone else?"

Xiao Xing'er was startled, her eyes were slightly startled, but she soon turned around.

"You don't have to fool me, girl. If Miss Mudan really asked you to come, then well, let's go in together. It just so happens that our son has something else to talk to Miss Mudan about."

"You... you, how do you know?"

Seeing that she really couldn't pretend anymore, Xiao Xing'er said unwillingly.

Naturally, Mu Si would not tell her that this loquat cream was her business, and had nothing to do with this superior seventh uncle.

Just happened to see Xiao Cui approaching with an angry expression on her face, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her chin raised as she said.

"It's very simple, no, the master is here..."

"Okay! Little girl! I said, why are you so kind to invite me to eat cakes! You gave me laxatives! What's the matter, you rode on my old lady's neck and acted wildly! You really think my girl is easy to bully! I don't have the ability to take it Come down, I want to stop halfway at this moment, it's a beautiful idea!"

Xiao Cui'er supported her waist with one hand, pointed at Xiao Xing'er's nose, and opened her mouth to curse.

"Ha, why didn't you say that you are greedy? If it weren't for your greed, would you have been fooled by me? Your tigress is out of shit luck, this business should not fall on her head! Young master, My girl said, this jar will give you ten taels of silver! But it is more than twice as much as that treacherous and fierce hag. You should think carefully..."

After talking about Xiao Cui, Xiao Xing'er turned her head again, showing a bit of flattery to Mu Weichen.

It's a pity that this is really flattering on the dragon's legs, and it doesn't matter what happens.

The daughters of the capital are more than a hundred times more beautiful than her, and Mu Weichen still dismisses her.

Seeing Xiao Xing'er showing this appearance now, she almost feels sick.

Ten taels of silver... Hehe... If it wasn't for this careless woman, he would have given him 1 taels, and he might have considered it, after all, how much food and grass would be worth 1 taels of silver...

"Hurry up……"

The hand holding the fan shook Mu Si, but his head was already turned away.

"Hehe, this girl is really embarrassed. Our seventh uncle and grandpa have spoken, so you better stay where it's cooler...Miss Xiaocui, let's hurry up."

The Tsundere Wife is online, and Mu Si quickly starts the small motor.

(End of this chapter)

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