The shrew of time travel

Chapter 165 It's not easy to buy a bullock cart

Chapter 165 It's not easy to buy a bullock cart

"Hey! Master, what are you doing? You can't do it! Mr. Luo, it is a great joy for you to teach the two brothers to read. We can't accept these things... Really, how can I ask you to spend money?" !"

Suddenly, Mrs. Xiaomu saw the carriage behind Mu Weichen, and Mrs. Xiaomu hurriedly dropped the conversation, and walked to Mu Weichen in a few steps.

"Uh, ma'am, have you misunderstood?"

He wanted to give it, but it was impossible for her to take that stubborn girl Mu Si!


Xiaomu was a little surprised, could this be a misunderstanding?Didn't Mrs. Luo buy it or did that girl buy it?

"This thing was bought by Miss Mu, and I was just helping out. By the way, even this cow and this cart were bought by Miss Mu."

Mu Weichen added a sentence as if he was afraid that the impact would not be strong enough.

"This... how much money is this..."

Xiaomu's mouth opened wide, unable to close it for a long time.

Mu Weichen just smiled and continued to work. After all, he is not a talkative person.

"Wen Hao, Ming Jun! Come on, come out!"

After being stunned for a moment, Xiaomu finally came back to his senses.

He yelled hard into the room.

"Sier, what's the matter, mother?"

It just so happened that Mu Si had just entered the house and was about to drink some water when he bumped into the two brothers who were about to leave the house.

"Oh, it's probably because I bought the bullock cart."

Mu Si pondered for a while, and then gave the answer.

"Wh...what? bought an ox cart?"

Inviting Lin and Chunhua to work at home in the morning, Mu Mingjun already found it incredible, but he didn't expect that just half a day later, even the ox cart was bought.

Compared to Mu Mingjun, Mu Wenhao didn't even ask any questions, and just jumped out.

"I gonna go see!"

After throwing down a word, she disappeared.

Mu Si didn't care, he poured a bowl of cool water from the kettle, drank a few sips of water, and then returned to Mu Mingjun who was waiting for her to reply.

"I bought it. By the way, brother, when you have time, go to the town to hire a matchmaker and then go to the Lin family to propose a kiss. This time, I will directly settle the marriage. I have already thought about the dowry. But this wedding room may still be Have to wait..."

"Si'er, thank you, thank you! If there's anything you can use for Big Brother, just ask!"

With these two things as a basis, Mu Mingjun already has no doubts about Mu Si.

He believed that since Mu Si had spoken, the wedding room would not be far away.

Just thinking about him being the eldest brother and having to let his sister take care of the new house, I feel uncomfortable.

Make up your mind that you must treat Si'er well in the future.

"It's nothing. Our family will get better and better in the future. There is really something to do in the afternoon, but let's talk about it in the afternoon. Mrs. Luo is still unloading the car in the yard, brother hurry up."

"Eh! Good!"

His slightly dark face was full of excitement, and the muscles on his body trembled slightly because of the excitement. When he saw Mu Si's words, he responded decisively, and went out with a thud.

"Si'er, are you back? Are you buying an ox cart?"

Mu Xiu'e in the room was also deeply moved when she heard the three of them talking.

"Well, our family also has an ox cart. Sis, wait a minute, and I'll tell you more about it when I get back. Mrs. Luo has been running around with me all morning, and he didn't even drink his saliva!"

Mu Si hurriedly responded, but his hands were not idle, he took a bowl and poured another large bowl of water.

(End of this chapter)

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