Chapter 178
All the way to the sunflower house sneakily, Xiao Xing'er was sitting by the door dozing.

Mu Feng said nothing, went up and covered Xiao Xing'er's mouth.

Xiao Xing'er was startled by someone, and just about to open her mouth to call out loudly, when she fixed her eyes and saw that it was Mu Feng, the fear in her eyes immediately turned into laugh lines.

Mu Feng made a silent gesture, Xiao Xing'er nodded immediately.

Mu Feng put down his hand, and saw Xiao Xing'er looked around, and seeing no one around, he grabbed Mu Feng's hand and went to the back garden.

Zuixianlou is the largest brothel in the town, and there are more arty people than peddlers, so things like Huayuanzi naturally exist.

Not to mention, there are still lush trees and grass in the garden, which is just for the convenience of those guests who steal fragrance.

At this time, it was cheaper for two people.

He hurried all the way to the depths of the trees, and before he could say anything, he was already busy undressing.

Mu Feng held Xiao Xing'er's waist with one hand, and reached into Xiao Xing'er's lapel with the other.

Xiao Xing'er hummed unbearably, a smile flashed across Mu Feng's eyes.

He gnawed on Xiao Xing'er's neck.

I saw Xiao Xing'er with her mouth open, her eyes staring hard at Mu Feng's head, her gaze was fiery.

"Young master, I'm thirsty..."

Unconsciously, the voice escaped from his mouth, and Mu Feng worked even harder.

With a thought, Xiao Lang hoof, you can't make a sound here.

However, just as Mu Feng made further moves, Xiao Xing'er grabbed Mu Feng's hand that was about to act violently.

"Son, no!"

Words that seem soft but firm are Xiao Xing'er's last line of defense.

I was very angry, but Mu Feng didn't dare to force it.

He will use her a lot in the future, she is just a girl, he is not so impatient.

But fortunately, Mu Feng was well prepared, otherwise he might suffer from some inaction.

But Mu Feng suddenly felt dull, and the thought of stealing the fragrance just now has gone away.

"The brothel still has such broken rules, it's really annoying!"

Depressedly tearing off a blade of grass next to it, Mu Feng said in a low voice.

"My lord, it's not like you don't know that if the girl in this building wants to break her body, it will be auctioned off. How could the bustard miss this great opportunity to make money? But don't worry, lord, Xiao Xing'er's heart is yours, and I will treat you To be named on the gold list in the future, Xiao Xing'er does not seek glory, but only wants to be by the young master's side~~~"

Seeing that Mu Feng was depressed, Xiao Xing'er hurriedly relieved Nephrite.

"That's right, you won't be wronged if you wait for my title on the gold list."

As he said that, Mu Feng took Xiao Xing'er into his arms.

But in my heart I sneered again and again, really?If he really wanted to be with him, how could he guard the Yuan Yin and leave it for the bustard's auction.

The current situation is nothing but mutual benefit.

"I knew the young master treated Xing'er well..."

Before Mei Ni left, Xiao Xing'er nestled in Mu Feng's arms and hugged him tightly.

"Let me ask you, is there any movement on Sunflower's side?"

Holding Xiao Xing in his arms, Mu Feng asked about Sunflower.

"I know you miss her so much!"

Although she also knew that this was a play on the spot, every time Mu Feng mentioned sunflower, Xiao Xing'er couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Missing? 'A pair of jade arms can be used as a pillow for thousands of people, and a little bit of red lips can be tasted by thousands of people', do I miss her?"

Mu Feng said sarcasm, Xiao Xing'er really looked better.

Tsk tsk, woman...

"Yes, yes, who told me that I have no money, so I can only win the heart of the son, but not the person who can get the son~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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