The shrew of time travel

Chapter 184 Even Knowing This

Chapter 184 Even Knowing This

In an instant, Musi made a decision and spoke immediately.

"Si'er, your father, your father..."

Xiaomu's "your father" didn't say anything after a long time, and finally changed the wording to make the words smooth.

"Isn't this news fake? Why do we have to pay it back and go to the town?"

"We bought a bullock cart and a house today, and we proposed a marriage to our elder brother. Naturally, we want to celebrate. Let's go to the restaurant in the town to have a meal today!"

Mu Si was full of smiles, and he looked like he really wanted to go to the town for a rubdown.

"But...but it's not dark yet..."

Mrs. Xiaomu took a look, the sun was still high in the sky, so it was too early to have dinner now?
"It's early, I can't go out until the villagers bring loquats. Right now, it's just right! I bought a scale along the way. Our family doesn't even have a scale, so it's hard to work tonight!"

What Musi said was so straightforward that no one could find any reason to refute it.

"Then I'll go get the car!"

After Mu Mingjun finished speaking, he opened the door and went to the small courtyard.

Seeing that Mu Wenhao was about to follow, Mu Si hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother, you bring the pile of things you brought to my room at noon to this new yard. But watch carefully, don't let anyone see you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Wenhao was stunned.

"What can that sack hold, you look like a baby bump."

"Hey, it's okay if you don't mention baby, my jar of eggs!!! Hey, it's really..."

Suddenly remembering his unmarinated preserved eggs, Mu Si couldn't help feeling heartbroken again.

Seeing Mu Si's distressed appearance, Mu Weichen felt a little funny.

"Now the eyes of the dark place may have their eyes on your house. Your big fanfare may not be to lure the snake out of the hole, but to scare the snake. If you are really reluctant, don't you have a bullock cart? There are so many people that others may not see .You just take everything with you.”

Mu Weichen saw through the plan at a glance, and Mu Si was a little upset.

Although she didn't expect to be able to hide it from the eyes of 'Master Luo', isn't it a little bit too much to tell people's thoughts in front of everyone?
But before she finished thinking, Mu Weichen had already taken over Mu Si's baton, and immediately gave Mu Wenhao a look.

"Go ahead and do as I say."

Seeing that both Mu Wenhao and Xiaomu had left, Mu Weichen turned around and spoke to Mu Si.

"Don't be dumbfounded. Didn't you say that your father is in the town and his legs are lame? You can't guarantee that people won't suspect you if you babble like this. But who are you going to let stay when you sing this song?"

Mu Si blinked and blinked, "Aren't you someone?"

"Ha, even my people are counted?"

Mu Weichen didn't want Mu Si to know this. He must have seen her at the market. He kept it from her before because he was afraid that it would scare her.

Now it seems that he was thinking too much.

"Fly, come out."

Mu Weichen just yelled lightly, and Bo Yifei fell directly from the tree and landed in front of Mu Weichen.


"Have you heard? These two courtyards will be handed over to you."


Bo Yi flew back neatly.

"Hehe, little brother, what a handsome kung fu! Can you teach me? What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you when I get to the town later... Hey! Hey! What are you doing, Luo Chen?!"

Every time Mu Si said something, Mu Weichen's face darkened, and in the end, he simply picked Mu Si up.

"If you don't leave, your father will be killed!"

Mu Weichen's voice was the same as before, but it made one's hair stand on end.

Wood Four: ...

Bo Yifei: This has something to do with Mao...

(End of this chapter)

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