The shrew of time travel

Chapter 189 Who Is That Scholar?

Chapter 189 Who Is That Scholar?
It's hard for Mu Wenhao to miss it after shopping for so long.

He is indeed the second smartest person in the Mu family besides Mu Si.

"Hey, after such a long time, that person must have finished his work."

Mu Si threw down a nonsensical remark, several people looked at me and I looked at you, all pondering the meaning of Mu Si's words in their hearts.

"Sier, what do you mean?"

Mu Mingjun frowned suddenly, why did he hear that meaning, someone wanted to plot against their family?
"What do you think is worth remembering about our family now?"

Mu Si suppressed his smile, and changed his earnest and seductive expression.

"Three days ago, father and elder brother had a fight over money and signed a contract of sale. Although we suppressed this matter, the speculation in the village has never stopped. Although they don't know the inside story, father is not at home. The matter of money is always inseparable from money. In the final analysis, one word, that is-poor! Three days ago our family was so poor that we wanted to sell ourselves. Three days later, we have this house and a car. Could it be that People who don’t wonder, don’t have any ideas?”

Seeing that no one spoke, Mu Si continued.

"Prescription?!! Our family's loquat paste!!!"

Mu Wenhao suddenly understood, and threw out the words with his middle finger, with an excited face, like a student answering a question.

"Yes, this is it."

After giving Mu Wenhao an appreciative look, Mu Si glanced at everyone.

No one likes to be missed, and the joyous atmosphere brought by shopping suddenly disappeared without a trace.

An invisible mountain of pressure generally weighs on the shoulders of these simple villagers who have just been promoted to "rich people".

Strange feelings came one after another, and the joy brought by money suddenly diminished a lot.

"Who is it? Who wants our prescription?"

It was Mu Mingjun who spoke, thanks to this prescription, he solved Mu Mingjun's lifelong event in one fell swoop.

Someone asked for his own prescription, and Mu Mingjun was the first to express his disapproval!

"Everyone wants it!"

Seeing Mu Mingjun's serious face, Mu Si suddenly smiled.


Hearing this at first, one can't help but feel a little angry, but after thinking about it, it is true.

Who doesn't want this recipe that can make money?

After a pause of 'that', Mu Mingjun didn't say what he said after all.

"Although we all want it, there is no trace of anyone who wants to plot against us. Do you remember the scholar that little beggar said?"

Mu Si calmly reminded everyone, obviously she has a plan in mind.


Mu Wenhao vaguely grasped something, but couldn't.

Seeing that he seemed to think of something, Mu Si nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, that scholar!"

"That's right! People who know that our family has made a fortune can't escape the people in our village. However, there are very few scholars in the village. The elder brothers of Shiliu from the village head's family, Cui Jinyu and Cui Fatty, we used to My dear fourth uncle, Mu Feng, and Yan Kuan, who always dress up as scholars, even if they are mistaken by that little beggar, there is a possibility."

Mu Wenhao's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at Mu Si without blinking, hoping to get a signal from her whether it was right or wrong.

"That's right. Just these three people. But it's still uncertain who it is, so..."

At this point, Mu Si gave up.

Although she also felt that she should not be from the village head's family, but before the truth came out, she had to have an objective attitude, but it was inconvenient to tell the big guys about this.

After all, there might be a brother-in-law of Fatty Cui here...

(End of this chapter)

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