The shrew of time travel

Chapter 198 The New Formula

Chapter 198 The New Formula

"I don't know who you are? It's okay, it's okay, just watch casually, have fun, have fun!"

The peony girl is the peony girl, she is really extraordinary.

"Uh, I'm fine, but our son..."

Mu Si hesitated slightly, she was really afraid that Mu Weichen would kill her... Her wife is different...

"Hi! If your son is rare, you can stay overnight, no money!"

Mudan ignored Mu Si's words, turned around and went to wash her face.

That movement was smooth and flowing, without the slightest hesitation.

Turning around, he glanced at Mrs. Luo, although his face had grown a bit, it wasn't dark after all... Mu Si was slightly relieved.

"It's up to you, up to you... I'm here today because I have something important to do with you."

Mu Si thinks that he is far from Peony's opponent in terms of face, and he doesn't want to "play the game with the axe", thinking to himself that it is better to fight quickly before the seventh uncle's grandpa gets mad.

"Well, I'm listening, you say."

With a stiff mouth, Peony finally found a shirt to put on before she went to wash her face.

"The prescription for throat ointment was stolen..."

Mu Si pondered his words secretly in his heart, trying his best to hit the point.

"Pfft! Stolen? How could it be stolen?"

As soon as she came out of the washbasin, Peony made a puff, and then said in surprise.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, let me tell you the truth, I deliberately stole that prescription."

Seeing her speaking so loudly, Mu Si quickly stopped her.

Mudan heard that there was something in her words, and she didn't look anxious, but her shock made her very angry, and she immediately understood that there might be something else hidden in it.

"Tweety, go out and watch, don't let people listen to you."

He winked at Xiao Cui'er and let her go out.

"What? Do you have any ghost ideas? Don't hide it, it's so boring!"

After giving Mu Si a reproachful look, Mudan took the handkerchief and wiped her face.

"This peony is a ghost!"

Mu Si shook his hand and pointed at Peony.

"The reason why I came so early this morning is because of this. This is my new throat balm, come and taste it?"

As he said that, Mu Si put down the basket and took out the jar.

Peony glanced at Mu Si's jar, then curled her lips.

"Look at you, didn't you pay you 100 taels yesterday? Why can't you even afford a jar?"

"Uh, isn't it too late? Look at things first~~~"

With a few black lines hanging down from his forehead, Mu Si had no choice but to bow down to Mu Dan's carefree temper.


Peony took a look at the jar, then went to the back room to get a cup and plate, naturally a porcelain spoon was indispensable.

Looking at the dark jar, Mudan took a disgusted look, then dug it out with a spoon.

Not to mention, there is nothing to be seen in the black jar, but it is crystal clear in this porcelain plate, floated a little with a spoon and put it in the mouth.

Peony couldn't help but nodded, "The color is much brighter than before, and even the taste is much clearer. It is indeed a new recipe. What do you want to do?"

"Before, I entrusted the blessing of your oiran to publicize it. This time, I'm afraid I have to invite the oiran to perform a play."

Obviously, Mu Si had thought about it.

However, Mudan, who was used to being bold and forthright, couldn't help but frown when Mu Si mentioned the oiran.

"Is there any other way? I can't feel sorry for bothering her last time. She still refuses to ask for money. She has always been good to me, and I don't want to give her money at this time." She is annoying, she has had a lot of troubles lately..."

(End of this chapter)

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