The shrew of time travel

Chapter 204 Maybe I Was Scared

Chapter 204 Maybe I Was Scared

"So, brother, do you understand?"

When Mu Si saw his face suddenly darkened, he knew that he had figured it out.

"Let's go get justice for dad!"

As Mu Mingjun said, his expression was determined.

"But before we go, the family has to make arrangements. I don't know if the villagers will send loquats today, and the left and right families can't be cut off. Although there is a master, but the villagers are not familiar with the master, there will inevitably be some troubles. I thought I could ask the village head to have a scale, so that no one would doubt the fairness of the scale. Besides, those who want to make trouble because no one in our family is present will also weigh it. If Aunt Lin and Sister Chunhua It’s even better if you can come, and there’s no harm in having more people. My sister will stay at home, and Aunt Lin and Sister Chunhua are also there to help you if you need anything.”

After arranging things properly in one breath, Mu Si breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I'm going to the village chief's house right now."

This time Mu Wenhao was not pretentious, and left quickly.

Mu Mingjun also nodded firmly to Mu Si, turned around, and left.

"Let Yifei go with you in a while, so there will be someone to take care of you on the way."

Seeing that Mu Si had finished speaking, Mu Weichen opened his mouth.

Only then did Xiaomu notice that there was an extra person in the yard at some point.

"Who is this……?"

"Oh, this is my entourage, this time he came out to find me. Don't be afraid when you go to the yamen, Mr. Hua has some contacts in the yamen, and he will try his best to facilitate this matter."

As soon as Mu Weichen said this, Xiao Mu's face became excited.

The words that people are afraid of officials are not just casually said. Before entering the government, any ordinary person must first be aware of shedding his skin.

"Hua Langzhong... I didn't expect Hua Langzhong to have such a great ability, and he also has connections in the government."

Mu Weichen smiled slightly, and then reminded him again.

"It's just a matter of knowing a few people, and it's not a big deal. It's just that it's better not to recognize him rashly, so as not to alert the people in the government and fail to rescue Uncle Mu."

"Hey, that's, that's..."

While answering, Mrs. Xiaomu wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, she really couldn't make a wrong step!

She originally thought that if she met Mr. Hua, she would chat with him first, so that he could say something nice to him, but Master Luo's words were really timely, and she almost made a big mistake.

After working all night, Mrs. Xiaomu was already exhausted, but under this shock, she became sober.

"Si'er, I'll go back and clean up first, and you can talk to the master first."

After finishing speaking, he left in a panic without waiting for Mu Si to speak.


Mu Si said "eh" twice, but Xiao Mu didn't turn his head, and even walked faster and faster.

"Your mother seems to be frightened by me."

Seeing Xiaomu's 'fleeing' appearance, Mu Weichen said in astonishment.

"It's nothing, it's better to clarify some things earlier."

Looking at Xiaomu's appearance just now, it seems that there is no need to talk in the carriage.

"By the way, there is something I need to tell you. I have already sent someone to find out. The person who tricked your father into signing the contract of sale was Liu San, nicknamed Er San Ye, and people called him Bad San behind his back. This might as well let your elder brother try his best to 'reminisce' in the lobby, and hear the people next to him call him 'Third Master'..."

What Mu Weichen said was not careless, he even thought of such details.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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