The shrew of time travel

Chapter 209 Sue Liu 3

Chapter 209 Sue Liu San
"The little lady sued Liu San in the town...Three days ago, the head of the family said that she had found a job with Mr. Liu San in the town. The little woman is in charge!"

Speaking of this matter, Xiaomu couldn't help but feel sad, he even forgot to be afraid, and cried directly in the lobby with unbearable grief.

"Oh? Did you go to Mr. Liu to look for it?"

Bai Tuo frowned slightly, and there was already an uproar in his heart.

How did this Liu San do things?
Such a mistake happened at this juncture. Now Huafeng, an old man, is in the hall. Even if he wants to use public affairs for personal gain, it will be difficult.

Fortunately, all the yamen servants here are his confidantes, even if he doesn't say anything, the letter can still be passed on.

"Come on! Pass it to Liu San!"

After thinking it over in his mind, Bai Zuo drew a black lottery from the lottery holder.

Picking up the lottery, Wang Dali took the lottery and returned with a look that both of them understood. Then he went out with Li Xiu, another catcher.

"Brother Li, are we really going to catch the third master?"

Just after leaving the government office, Li Xiu couldn't hold back anymore.

"Catch? We call it 'please'..."

Wang Dali glanced at Li Xiu, showing a bit of disdain, how can everyone be the leader of this group?

"Yes, yes, please, please...look at my stinky mouth! Hehe, Brother Li, are we really inviting the third master to this lobby?"

To say who in this yamen has not taken advantage of Liu San, as the saying goes, it's 'to eat people's soft mouth, to take advantage of others'!

"The county magistrate's order has been issued, we must go there."

After giving Li Xiu a blank look, Wang Dali didn't intend to say more.

With such a pig brain, you still want to fight with him?snort!
There was no talking all the way, and after walking for about a quarter of an hour, the two finally met Liu San.

"Hey, what kind of wind has brought the two officials here? Sit down, come, let's serve tea!"

Liu San was extremely enthusiastic when he saw the two of them, and he didn't have the slightest sense of being arrested.

"Don't dare, the third master is the real master! Third master, don't come here without any problems, don't come here without any problems."

Liu San's words are polite, but no one dares to take them seriously. The third master is on an equal footing with the county magistrate. If they really agree to what they say, that's a big deal.

"It's easy to talk, drink tea, drink tea!"

Seeing that the two were respectful and didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of him, Liu San was quite satisfied.

The two of them took a symbolic sip of tea, and Wang Dali hurriedly put down the cup holder, full of praise.

"Good tea, good tea! The third master's tea is really delicious."

"You're welcome. Pack two bags for the two little brothers, and take them back later!"

I have to say that Mr. Liu is a well-rounded character, so he said it casually.

The two were flattered again, and hurriedly left the chair and stood up.

"Third Master, is this so embarrassing..."

Wang Dali bowed his hands to Liu San, but his waist was bent even more.

"Hey~~~ You're welcome, they're all my brothers. By the way, the two little brothers are busy with work and don't have time to come to my little place. Why..."

Sure enough, he is an old driver with deep routines. After making connections, he finally started to get down to business.

"To be honest with the third master, what kind of villain did the third master commit recently? Today, someone in the court delivered a petition to our county magistrate, slandering the third master and deceiving him to go to work. It hasn't happened in three days." Come back. No, we two brothers are ordered by the county magistrate to invite the third master to the yamen. We can also talk to them and save the third master from being wronged. This is our sin."

(End of this chapter)

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