The shrew of time travel

Chapter 223 But Want 'Shadow' To Come Out?

Chapter 223 But Want 'Shadow' To Come Out?
Liu San has been in the gang for ten years, and he has experienced thousands of things, big and small.

However, judging from the information Wang Dali gave him on the way, it turned out that Liu San set up a trap to deceive the locals and something went wrong. This was not his fault!

"Third master, there is a saying here, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Bai Zuo considered it over and over again, and finally decided to speak.

"Oh? It seems that there are other secrets. If you tell me quickly, we can have some countermeasures. It's a matter of life and death, so don't be careless!"

Yan Fu's heart fluttered for a moment. If the situation in Shuizhen is good today, and he has made outstanding achievements, the second leader has already disliked him, so it is not surprising that he is secretly tripped.

Now the point is who is cheating himself.

"Liu San has always been safe in handling things. In fact, the reason why he showed his feet this time is because... it is because..."

"What is it for?! Now, what else do you have to hide? Could it be that this matter is related to you?"

Yan Fu's eyes were like lightning, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes, which shot straight at Bai Zuo.

"Don't dare. It's just that this matter may have something to do with Mr. Yan. My subordinates, my subordinates really dare not speak nonsense..."

After saying this, Bai Tuo was already dripping with cold sweat.

"Young Master Yan? Are you talking about Yan Kuan?"

This answer was really beyond Yan Fu's expectation, he never expected that it was his son who made things difficult for him.

"It's just... the subordinates are thinking, maybe Liu San is trying to please the third leader, so this incident happened..."

Bai Tuo felt bitter in his heart, saying no, let alone saying no.

If you don't say it out, the charge will be placed on yourself, even if you wear a small shoe for yourself, it will be enough.

"Hmph, please? I think he is trying to catch me and threaten me..."

But he was slightly startled, and Yan Fu calmed down.

Good job catching this Liu San!

He didn't realize earlier that he still had this heart, but now it seems that he really can't be kept.

"Did someone stay there? Where is Liu San locked up now?"

Yan Fu asked with a serious face.

Bai Tuo was startled, could it be... could it be..., he didn't dare to think about it, but he couldn't hold back the sweat and ran out.

"I was taken away by Huafeng, and I'm currently at Shilipo, guarded by a hundred and ten personal guards of the regent, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it won't be so easy..."

As he spoke, Bai Qi wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

"Hmph, look at how promising you are! So what about a hundred or ten personal guards? Didn't the prince before have a bunch of people protecting him, so he still had a narrow escape? It's not like playing!"

Yan Fu's eyes were ruthless, and he looked down on Bai Qi's behavior.

"Yes, yes, what the third master said is..."

Bai Tu hastily raised his sleeves to wipe the sweat off his forehead, unlike before, the sweat on his forehead was even more exaggerated now.

"From now on, it's enough to be called the head of the family. The first three can be omitted! That Liu San really deserves to die, he dared to attack me! Hmph! You don't have to worry about this matter, just be your official and don't show any tricks anymore. ..."

Yan Fu gave Bai Qi a sideways look, as if to say, if something happens, it will be his turn next...

"Yes, master, do you want 'Shadow' to play this time?"

Bai Tuo's heart tightened again after being stared at by this one, but he still had to ask what should be asked...

"Why? You also want to learn from Liu San?"

Yan Fu paused, turned his head to look at the trembling Bai Tuo, with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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