Chapter 227
"Master, I'm going."

Quickly suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Yan Liu'er turned around and left, but the steps under his feet were big and fast. It is not difficult to see that he is looking forward to this meeting.


Yan Kuan snorted coldly, after all he didn't bother him anymore, he turned his head and went to the house to pack his things.

It doesn't matter about the other side, it's just that you can't lose your fun after entering the academy, right?
Besides, Yan Liuer's heart is like an arrow, now he got his wish, out of Yan Kuan's sight, he flew directly to Yan Fu's place.


I was excited for a long time along the way, but Yan Liu'er didn't even dare to raise his head when he saw someone at the end.

Silence, silence, after a long silence, the person above finally sighed.

"When there is no one, just call Dad."

Although these words are light, they carry a lot of weight, especially for Yan Liu'er.

After hearing this, Yan Liu'er suddenly raised his head, with tears in his eyes.

The mouth opened and closed, as if trembling.

However, he couldn't cry out.

"With the eldest lady here, the younger one will not cause trouble to the master."

As these words came out of his mouth, Yan Liu'er raised his head and lowered it again.

"You child, you've always been so sensible. It's because your father is incompetent, and that's why you mother and son have suffered so much. But this time, I've made arrangements. As long as our Yan family produces an official, we don't have to be afraid of the Yan Gang anymore... ...Kuan'er is not sensible, you need to help me more in the academy, and you will be fine after a while..."

With that earnest tone and expectant eyes, if Yan Kuan hadn't been mentioned, Yan Liu'er might have thought that he really loved her.

Yes, he has used these words to lie to himself all these years.

All these years, it was because of these words that he worked hard for Yan Kuan.

The blood of the same father flows on the body, but the life is very different.

You know, he is the elder brother! ! !
Are the women of the Salt Gang just that good?

Now it's just an identity, this father has already made him a cow and a horse, when Yan Kuan ascends to the high position, will he still have his son in his eyes?
Maybe at that time, even his life will not be saved...

However, no matter what, he is no longer the former Yan Liuer...

Forcibly suppress those anger, unwillingness, and hatred, after all, Yan Liu'er has always been a sensible child.

"Master, don't worry."

With a peaceful tone, nothing wrong could be heard.

"With you here, I really feel relieved. Recently, the rumors are tight, so let Kuan'er stay in the academy for a while."

How could Yan Fu think that this son who has always been obedient is actually harboring evil intentions?
Hearing Yan Liu'er's promise, he was really relieved, after all, Yan Liu'er was much more well-behaved than that son who could only get into trouble...

"The little one is resigning. The young master told me when he arrived, go and come back quickly."

With a bow and confession, Yan Liu'er has completely given up hope for Yan Fu's little 'father-son relationship'.

"Okay, you go."

Watching Yan Liu'er leave, Yan Fu turned his eyes to the yard, his eyes were gloomy, revealing a bit of cruelty.

Wood four?

She's just a wild girl, relying on her pretty looks, she just let herself fall into such a big fall... It seems a bit too much to say that it was a fall, but the loss of a loyal dog like Liu San'er really made him very frustrated. Where is he going to find such a person in a while?

The top priority is to get rid of Liu San'er.

After he has dealt with these matters, he might have to find that wild girl to settle the account!
(End of this chapter)

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