The shrew of time travel

Chapter 232 Calm down... no wow

Chapter 232 Calm down... no wow
Mu Si said this for everyone, and also for Xiao Mu.

One is to let everyone understand that the reason why he is cautious is for Mu Xiu'e's happiness, and the other is to take the opportunity to tell Xiao Mu's determination to protect Mu Xiu'e.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand words can only be summed up in three words - 'Don't settle for it'.

Now that Mu Si is the patron of Shuiyu Village, everyone congratulated him just to make Mu Si happy.

However, this flattery was slapped on the donkey's hoof, which was not what they wanted to see.

Seeing that Mu Si was so angry, and thinking about all the things Hua Pozi had done before, he could understand Mu Si's feelings a little bit.

One or two returned to their positions immediately, not daring to surround Xiaomu's anymore.

Seeing Mu Si so angry for the first time, Xiao Mu felt uncomfortable.

However, for the sake of Mu Xiu'e's lifelong happiness, she, a mother, would never give in.

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Mrs. Xiaomu went back to the house silently.

Mu Weichen secretly watched, Mu Si's methods were really decisive and fierce, but he still clearly captured the loneliness that hurt others and hurt himself.


Prince Wuli expressed his distress, so Bo Yifei should be in bad luck again.


Bo Yifei's mouth was full of bitterness when he called out, he must have gotten angry, otherwise why did he always feel bitterness in his mouth recently?

"Well, go and find out what's going on with the house that the woman told Mu Xiu'e."

Mu Weichen left the words to Bo Yifei, but his eyes were fixed on Mu Si's direction.

"Huh? Master, are you kidding me? It's going to be dark soon, even if you want to inquire now, you can't find anyone!"

Bo Yifei expressed his aggrievedness.

"Oh, it seems that I'm flattering you. This matter is really too difficult... Okay, I don't support people who can't afford it..."

"Pack up and go home" before he could say it, Bo Yifei ran away immediately.

"Grandpa, wait for my news!"

snort!Seeing Bo Yifei running away in a hurry, Mu Weichen snorted coldly, this kid has been out for a long time, and he is getting more and more difficult to handle.

Then he shifted his gaze to Mu Si.

Just as he was about to walk over, unexpectedly Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way.

"Fourth sister...fourth sister..."

Tsk tsk, it's really unimaginable that such a cautious voice came from a tall man.

Mu Weichen paused, stopped where he was, and gave up his previous plans.

"Brother Tie Niu, what's the matter?"

Although he was sullen just now, but Mu Si would not casually vent his anger on others.

"Fourth sister... I, I just want to ask, what the old woman said, your mother, is your mother willing?"

I was in a bad mood, and my voice was weak, but, damn it! ! !

A few sparks suddenly appeared in Mu Si's ashen-like heart.

What do you mean by this?
"Well...hehe, Brother Tieniu, you also know that I, a girl who has never left the cabinet, how can I participate in such a big event...But Brother Tieniu seems to care about my eldest sister too..."

Fuck! ! !Mu Si, if you talk nonsense with your eyes open like this, won't your conscience hurt?
You have always been the master of the Mu family, okay?OK? ?
Who said just now that Xiu'e was determined not to marry a scum like Yu Dahammer? ? ! !

who said it? ! ! !

Tie Niu stared at Mu Si in front of him and looked again and again, but he didn't dare to growl.

He came to ask Xiu'e, not to quarrel with Mu Si.

calm down……

Strongly holding back his breath, resisting the urge to punch Mu Si flat, Tieniu's face turned red...

(End of this chapter)

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