The shrew of time travel

Chapter 258 Do you want to ask Gu?

Chapter 258 Do you want to ask Gu?
"The two children from Shuiyu Village have good aptitude, and I want them to study in Lusong Academy."

Seeing that Lu Qiyang responded, Mu Weichen said this.

"Since you spoke in person, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as just letting them come to Lusong Academy."

Seeing that Mu Weichen mentioned that the two children were coming to school, Lu Qiyang was relieved.

This matter is still within his ability, so it is not difficult.

"The teacher is really very intelligent. I hope the teacher can teach the two of them personally. If the two of them can learn well, it can be regarded as the last little effort I will do for the country of Daze."

This is a strong statement.

Lu Qiyang stretched his neck, and many words were blocked by the 'last share'.

Why is this asking for help?
It's just that Mu Weichen is [-] out of [-], so it's absurd to be suspected of being a good man, but it's a fact that he has never been married.

And where is there anything lonely?

But this is Mu Weichen's private matter, Lu Qiyang thinks that he is a good character, so he will not hold on to other people's private matters.

Without asking a question, Lu Qiyang already made up his mind.

It turned out to be a huge misunderstanding, and when he saw the two apprentices the next day, Lu Qiyang couldn't help shouting that he had been fooled, but that's another story...

"That being the case, you just bring them here."

The result of the brain circuit being too long is that it will be cheated.

The expression on Mu Weichen's face suddenly became more sincere, and he quickly saluted Lu Qiyang.

"The teacher is very kind, and the students will never forget it."

After the matter was settled, Mu Weichen exchanged pleasantries with Lu Qiyang and left quickly.

"Grandpa, are we okay with this?"

After leaving Lusong Academy, Bo Yifei's face was almost squeezed into a bun.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Give me an example."

Having solved a major matter, Mu Weichen is in a good mood now.

"Although Mu Mingjun and Mu Wenhao are a few years younger than you, they are not children..."

Seeing that Mu Weichen was in a good mood, Bo Yifei was also 'presumptuous' for a while.

"Why isn't it a child? This king is in his twenties this year, and that Mu Wenhao is only fifteen or sixteen years old. What is too much to say he is a child? At best, he is just older. Okay, don't babble. Yes. This time, this king saved face and used favors to accomplish this 'big event', you have to ask for some interest, don't you? Let's go, go back and have a look, and see how that girl will thank me."

Looking at the handsome back of his prince, Bo Yifei couldn't help shaking his head.

Grandpa, are you taking too much care?
For example, last night he insisted on investigating Mu Xiu'e's marriage. Didn't Mu Si make arrangements?
Tsk tsk, when will Master eat salty radishes and worry about it?
'A hero is sad and a beauty pass', this time, the prince, it is a mistake!

Let's say that Li Ji and Mudan went back to Zuixian Tower together, so they went back to their houses.

After staying awake for half the night and getting up early again, Mudan couldn't bear it anymore and went back to have a meeting with Zhou Yue.

Li Ji also went back to her own room, just when she pushed open the door, Li Ji's hand stopped.

I don't know when a silver leaf was held in my hand, and it flew out with a swish.

"Heh, it really is Li Ji, not to mention the extraordinary skill, this silver leaf is not cheap!"

The woman held Danko with the silver leaf that Li Ji had just thrown between her two fingers, and Shi Shiran walked out.

"Why are you here at this time?! Don't forget your identity!"

The door was closed by Li Ji at some point, her words were full of disgust, even her voice was not as high-pitched as when she was with Peony.

(End of this chapter)

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