The shrew of time travel

Chapter 263 Representation~~~

Chapter 263 Representation~~~
Uh, but she can't tell Xiaomu directly about this.

Although he is not a native of Daze country, but this marriage proposal cannot be avoided.

Thinking of it, Mu Si felt a little embarrassed.

"How about a good meal?"

Mu Si spoke with a little guilty conscience.

Seeing her wooden appearance, Mrs. Xiaomu immediately disapproved.

"Master Luo is not related to our family, why is he helping our family so much? Girl, we all know what Master Luo is thinking. What are you thinking? Tell your mother quickly, Mother feels sorry for receiving such a big favor from others for nothing, if you are not happy, we can explain it clearly to his wife, so as not to make others sad..."

"Ah? Mother, where are you going? Listen to me, are you going to sell me to Mr. Luo to repay the debt?"

Mu Si blinked his eyes, feeling that Master's power is so powerful.

"This girl, how do you talk? If you can really marry Master, it will be a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. You girl is hypocritical. Where can you find someone like Mrs. Luo? I just saw Luo in the courtyard. The master's face is not happy, did you say something again, to offend others? If you want to do this, mother will not agree!"

Suddenly, a black line ran across Mu Si's head, and he felt that if he didn't stop it, her mother might be able to read black.

"Mother~~~, how can you say that about your daughter? If others hear this, they may think that I picked it up. Then Master Luo is your own son..."

"This damn girl, if people will recognize me, I really want to be this mother. But right now, she obviously wants to be my son-in-law, half a son-in-law, it's not bad... Hurry up, I'm in the kitchen , hurry up, hurry up and talk to Master..."

Mrs. Xiao Mu went up and poked Mu Si on the forehead, snatched the spoon from Mu Si's hand, and pushed him away.

"Hey, mother, how can you be like this? I am an unmarried girl..."

Mu Si looked at Xiao Mu's tough face, his heart ached.

Can this mother not cheat my daughter like this?

"Go, go! You think Master Luo is just like you! He is a reader of sage books! Go, go..."

After hearing these words, Mu Si's heart was shattered like glass splinters.

Do you doubt your daughter's integrity so much?

I wanted to refute a few words, but when I thought about the feat of ripping off Mrs. Luo's pants in a face-to-face... Well, things like integrity have long been lost...

Under all kinds of desperation, Xiao Mu's family pushed him out of the kitchen, okay, okay, Mu Si thinks that he should really go to chat with the doctor about life.

"Come in."

Mu Weichen's mood at this moment is crap...

There is a kind of depression that is about to come when he speaks.

Mu Si always felt that she had hit the muzzle when she came here, it too late to retreat at this time?
Mu Weichen looked away from the book and saw Mu Si cautiously walking in without hearing a voice.

This girl, is she that scary?
Thinking about how angry she still is, it might be a good thing to scare her.

Seeing that Mu Weichen didn't speak, Mu Si was clearly showing himself off, which was embarrassing.

"Master, I just came to ask if you have anything you want to eat."

After hearing this, Mu Weichen's depressed mood improved slightly.

"Do you care about me?"

"Well, my mother said that, thanks to my master's great kindness, I have to show it anyway..."

(End of this chapter)

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