The shrew of time travel

Chapter 266 I Can't Die!

Chapter 266 I Can't Die!
"The master also said that Miss Mu Si had meritorious service in rescuing him, so that's why, that's why he accepted her."

Bo Yifei spoke with a dejected expression on his face.

"So that's the case, the prince is really thoughtful. You go back, I have received the letter, and I will pass the letter on in a while."

Huafeng nodded, and then he spoke.

"Old Hua, although Miss Musi is nice, but with her status... don't you have anything to say?"

According to common sense, shouldn't Mr. Hua be the first to jump out and object?

This... this is really...

The gap between reality and imagination was too great, and Bo Yifei couldn't accept it.

"Yes! If the old man dies unfortunately tomorrow night, the safety of the prince and princess will depend on Brother Yifei from now on."

Huafeng took a deep breath, and spoke very solemnly, with a bit of earnestness in his words, completely different from his usual carefree appearance.

"Old Hua, I'm talking about Miss Mu Si, did you really hear clearly?"

Seeing that Huafeng was indifferent, Bo Yifei became even more anxious.

"Although the old man is old, he hasn't reached the point of vertigo and deafness, so he can hear clearly. Why, brother Yifei, do you have a problem with that girl?"

Hua Feng raised his eyelids, feeling that the prince's decision today was a bit unexpected, but Bo Yifei was indeed edgy.

"How could it be? Don't say that Miss Mu Si is someone I like, just talk about her temper. It's hard to be hated."

Bo Yifei scratched his head, really embarrassed.

After all, the facts are in front of our eyes, apart from the fact that Mu Si's status is very different from his master's, there is really no fault to be found.

At this point, Hua Feng was clear about the crux of Bo Yifei's worries, so he said right away.

"That's it. I know Brother Yifei still has concerns in his heart, but Brother Yifei, if you can't trust that girl, you can't trust the old man, don't tell me you can't even trust the prince?"

"I can trust it!"

"That's good. Over the years, the prince has conquered the north and the south, and made great achievements. It is not only because of his superior martial arts, but because of this!"

Hua Lao said and pointed to his head.

"Go back, everything is up to the Lord, you can't go wrong!"

Huafeng patted Bo Yifei's shoulder as he spoke, signaling him to relax.

"Okay! Elder Hua, take your leave!"

Bo Yifei felt enlightened suddenly, and immediately cupped his fists at Huafeng.


Seeing that Bo Yifei had already untied his knot, Huafeng didn't want to keep him.

He didn't dare to be careless about tomorrow night, in case of misfortune, this matter will be considered as the fulfillment of the prince.

I'm afraid my master's heart has already been hung on that girl.

That being the case, why should I be a villain in vain.

Speaking of it, the prince is now in his twenties and he doesn't even have a woman, so he is really not afraid of being laughed at by others.

Now it's hard for him to be tempted by a girl, aside from other things, just for this point, he should think of a way to make it happen.

It's just that this came up as Concubine Feng, which was really beyond his expectation.

Although there is the reason of "life-saving grace", it has broken the precedent. Since the prince accepted the concubine, the rumor that the regent doesn't like women will be self-defeating.

Those who are eager to move around the prince will also become active.

After all, what is more straightforward and justifiable than putting a woman next to the prince to monitor and win him over?

Huafeng secretly sighed, there are still many turbulent waves waiting behind, tomorrow night, he has to do everything possible to save his old life...

At the time when he was employing people, he really did not want to die!

(End of this chapter)

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