The shrew of time travel

Chapter 281 Are You Absent?

Chapter 281 Are You Absent?

"Ming Junniang, you are not authentic. There are two scholars in this family all of a sudden, and there is no wind at all. I have heard people say this, or I am still kept in the dark right now!"

Cui Yuren looked at Xiaomu's confused face and smiled kindly.

Be it Ming Jun or Wen Hao, they are always on his white list.

Not to mention, Mu Wenhao is his favorite son-in-law, Cui Yuren is very happy to see him progressing, and now he is more convinced by his daughter's vision.

"It's... just going to school... I'm thinking it's not a big deal..."

This sudden enthusiasm made Xiao Mu a little confused.

"Reading is a good thing, and it is right for the folks to express it."

Seeing her humble and humble attitude, Cui Yuren's attitude improved a bit.

Now this family is more and more aware of advance and retreat, and understands the general situation.

Those thoughts at the beginning were really not in vain.

"Hey... hey, thank you, thank you... thank you village chief, thank you folks!"

I saw Mrs. Xiaomu burst into tears and thanked the villagers.

As the saying goes, where there are good people, there are scumbags (this saying is said by Ding Dong).

Mu's mother and daughter came over with loquats on their backs, when they saw everyone expressing condolences to Xiao Mu, they almost gritted their silver teeth.

Especially Mu Lian'er stared at Xiao Mu's viciously, looking like she wanted to 'eat her flesh and eat her bones'.

Seeing that Mu Lian'er was about to step forward, Mrs. Mu quickly grabbed her, but broke out from the crowd by herself.

It has to be said that now she is also awakened and is protecting Mu Lian'er's reputation after all.

"I said, Mr. Village Chief, you have done this matter eccentrically. I think when the fourth child of our family went to school, we didn't see the village to express it!"

Mu's spitting stars flew around, wishing to poke Cui Yuren's face with his fingers.

"Mu, don't mess around! Is Mu Feng's situation the same as that of Wenhao and Mingjun?"

When Cui Yuren heard the word 'eccentric', he couldn't help feeling angry, but it wasn't easy to get angry directly in front of the villagers.

"Is it because I am messing around or is it because Pomegranate has taken a fancy to Mu Wenhao, so the village chief, you old man, rushed to buy a good one?!"

When Mrs. Mu said this, Cui Yuren's face was instantly livid with anger.

This is not just to say that he bent the law for personal gain, but even his own daughter's reputation.

It was obviously a legitimate reason, but now he was so angry with such a shrew that he couldn't speak.

Places where crowds gather are often noisy, but at this moment there was a deathly silence.

No one dared to speak, but the eyes became different.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Seeing this, Mrs. Mu thought he had caught Cui Yuren's weakness, and became more and more proud.

"What did I say? What did I say? You can't speak! He is clearly guilty! Tsk tsk tsk, such a person can still be our village chief..."

Mu Si and Mu Weichen came back and heard this clearly.

After all, on this occasion where you can hear every needle drop, coupled with Mu's high-pitched voice, you can hear it within two miles.

"Oh? Then ask Aunt Mu to tell me, what kind of person can be the village head of our village!"

The clear and sonorous voice was resounding, and Mu's heart trembled in fright.

Just now I was talking too fast, and I didn't see Mu Si, so I forgot about this god of death.

" you not here?"

(End of this chapter)

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