The shrew of time travel

Chapter 284: Biggest Silver!

Chapter 284: Biggest Silver!
Although he felt all kinds of unhappiness just now, and the reputation of pomegranate has always been a concern for him, but with Mu Si's words today, even if pomegranate and Mu Wenhao really can't get along one day, it is absolutely impossible to choose pomegranate, right? .

As for Pomegranate, he also doted on her in every possible way, so he didn't want her to bear the stigma.

It's just that he is also very clear about that girl's temperament. What she believes is that even nine cows can't be pulled back.

Originally he was the head of the village, so others dared not say anything.

However, meeting Mu's hob meat made the matter so embarrassing.

Let him hold his breath in his heart and can't let it out.

Fortunately, there is a girl named Mu Si, so that his face can be preserved, so that Pomegranate can not be burdened by fame.

After this incident, Cui Yuren is more and more sure that the Mu family's new house will skyrocket in the future, and the future is limitless...

As soon as Cui Yuren moved, Mu Si and Mu Weichen followed closely behind, and Xiao Mu naturally wouldn't stay too long.

All of a sudden, the people related to Mu's new house wanted to leave completely.

Finally, some of the villagers couldn't stand up anymore.

What happened today was naturally led by the village head, but if it was forced, it was still, really not!

The matter of Mu Si's collection of loquats has already given everyone a taste of the sweetness.

The villagers also took the opportunity to buy a good one. Seeing that the gold master is leaving now, how can one or two be calm?
People finally realized that it would not work to play tricks in front of a little girl like Mu Si.

Pfft, it's time to take a stand.

Pooh!The villagers who reacted began to gear up and rolled up their sleeves.

"It's all her, it's all this old witch! Which one of us didn't come here voluntarily? The Mu brothers have won glory for our Shuiyu Village, so I asked who could directly enter the main courtyard of Lusong Academy and was still punished by the courtyard." The head directly accepts him as a closed disciple? You still have the face to beg for nothing in the name of grandma and go to other people's houses to eat and drink! Is there such a thing as troublesome for your own family?"

"That's right, the village chief did nothing wrong! She doesn't even look at what her son is! What's the name of the branch in the branch? Yes, yes, I have been studying in Qingsong Academy for so many years, and I haven't seen him yet." When the champion comes back, what is the shame to say?!"

"That's right, it's the old witch who caused the trouble, and now that girl Musi won't even take our things!"

"It's all caused by this old hag! Hit her!"

"Yes, hit her!"

"Tell you to kill us!"

With this cry, a vegetable leaf directly covered Mu's face.

"I call you to slander the village chief!"

With a snap, an egg was also reimbursed on Mu's forehead.

"Don't! Don't throw things at her! It's too wasteful, hit her directly!"

Finally, someone started to feel sorry for his own things, and went up to give Mu Shi a punch.

"Crazy! You are all crazy! You are all fascinated by that girl Mu Si! Old lady Hua is right, she is an evil ghost!"

Mrs. Mu was beaten terribly, and the dirty words in his mouth were thrown out without any money.

Needless to say, this voice really created a vacuum.

It can be seen that the "evil ghost theory" has left a shadow in people's minds.

"We don't believe her! Besides, didn't Mrs. Hua leave a talisman that day? Mr. Luo is there too! She just wants to fool us! Evil ghosts don't lead people to make money!"

'Man dies for wealth, birds die for food', as expected, the same sentence, the biggest money in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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