Chapter 296
As expected of someone who specializes in calculations, he only cares about what Mrs. Mu cares about the most.

Sure enough, Mu's pupils shrank suddenly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

After listening to Mu Feng's words, he was already moved, but when he thought about Mu Lian'er's sarcastic remarks today, his eyes were filled with madness.

Since she couldn't be accused of filial piety, she would be happy to see a good compensation or a high dowry.

"Okay, I'll do as you say! But those two wild boys from the third family can't let them go easily!"

After making an important decision, Mu suddenly regained the feeling of a fighter.

"That's natural. As long as you get that little girl, it's easy to deal with those two boys!"

What Mu Feng said was not a lie, not for the Mu family, just because these two scumbags who don't understand farts can ride on his head and play wild, he can't bear it!
"That's fine...that's fine..."

After receiving Mu Feng's words, the Mu family seemed to have received an imperial edict, and felt that their hearts were at ease.

"Since that's the case, don't waste it here. Hurry up and go back. I see that choosing another day is worse than hitting the sun. I will ask him out for a drink tonight. As long as you bring Mu Lian'er by then, it will definitely work." !"

He has been waiting for this day for too long, and now that he has this rare opportunity, he feels that he can't wait for a moment.

"Bring it? What if she disagrees?"

Mu Lian'er, the Mu family has "accumulated prestige for a long time", although she has the support of her son, but the thought of counting her, the Mu family can't help beating drums in her heart.

"Why don't you agree? It's just asking her to take care of the drunk Zhu Pengchun. How could she not cherish the opportunity to buy a good one like this? Now she is sharpening her head and squeezing in front of Zhu Pengchun. You are helping her by doing this." .”

What Mu Feng said is naturally the truth, but what he said was timely, which greatly relieved Mu's psychological pressure.

At the end of the self-suggestion, Mrs. Mu actually felt that he was really doing a good deed.

Really strong mentally!
"Okay, I'll go back now and bring people over after lunch."

After thinking it over clearly, Mrs. Mu seemed very cooperative.

"Go ahead, let her dress up well, I should get ready too."

The long-standing plan will soon be implemented, and the little mistake that Mrs. Mu made before is insignificant.

"Okay, okay, I'll be back now! I'll be back now..."

Mrs. Mu nodded, just now she didn't feel that she was going to leave now, but she felt like she was in a dream, and before leaving, she gave Mu Feng a pitiful look.

"Cough cough!"

Mu Feng was slightly embarrassed by Mrs. Mu, coughed dryly, and took out a tael of silver from his sleeve.

"Take the ox cart and go back. When you go back, you can find old man Yu to get some medicine to treat this injury. Sister Lian has enough jewelry, so there is no need to add new ones."


A gratified smile finally appeared on Mu's vicissitudes face.

Sure enough, her choice was right, the fourth child loved her...

After receiving the silver, Mrs. Mu limped away.

Then Mu Feng put away the fan and went back to tidy up.

Today, the academy is enrolling students, and the masters are all busy, but they have nothing to do with the old students.

It’s rare to have a fake, so go to Zuixianlou to have a look, if there is no such medicine anywhere, there will be no such place...

Besides, if he didn't go for two days, he felt itchy in his heart, ha, it really is a red building to bury the dead bones, it's just thinking about it this way, he himself is very happy!
(End of this chapter)

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