The shrew of time travel

Chapter 315 'The Reincarnation of Hades'

Chapter 315 'The Reincarnation of Hades'

Mu Si raised his eyebrows and looked at the Mu brothers.

Mu Wenhao heard the sound immediately and understood, "Master's name is Huaijin."

Skipping the discomfort in his heart, Mu Si nodded his head.

"Since that's the case, let's see the master first."

Xian Yun let out a sigh of relief silently in his heart, there must be someone who can cure this girl, he thought she was about to become lawless!

Musi's brows twitched when he saw his relieved look at that moment, and wanted to press him a few more words, but because of the "Senior Brother Huaijin", he didn't say anything more.

He just pouted, and made a note for Mu Weichen in his little notebook.

A group of people went home in an ox cart, one or two of them had beaming faces, and even Xian Yun was able to temporarily get rid of the "psychological shadow" of Mu Si because he was able to see Senior Brother Huai Jin.

Only Mu Si was absent-minded, still thinking about that 'word Huaijin'...

After all, she was the one who was proposed. Just thinking about it, she really doesn't know much about her husband...

All the way back home, Mu Si was still absent-minded like a wandering ghost.

Mu Wenhao drove everyone out of the car and went to the village chief's house to propose marriage.

I have to say that although this kid usually looks quite out of tune, but if he really made up his mind, he would be very good to Pomegranate.

Even though he didn't say it, he was thinking about what Mu Si said, for fear that Pomegranate would hide in the room and cry.

To be honest, he was used to seeing Pomegranate's pungent appearance, and he really couldn't imagine what it would be like to cry, and he just didn't want to see her.

How can a good man make his woman cry?
Tsk tsk, this speed is also very fast. Unknowingly, Pomegranate is already his own woman...

Mu Mingjun could still think of Mrs. Xiaomu, but he just reported it in a hurry, and then hurriedly took out the jade hairpin he bought for Chunhua as a treasure...

Mu Si followed Xianyun to find Mu Weichen.

They said they were looking for them, but when they arrived home, Mu Weichen had already greeted them.

I had thought a lot on the way, but seeing Mu Weichen now, I felt even more mixed feelings.

Xianyun was talking to Mu Weichen, but she didn't pay attention.

Besides, Xianyun had always admired Mu Weichen to the utmost, and it was so easy to see him, so he wanted to express his admiration freely.

It's a pity that 'falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless', the moment the prince of Wuli saw Mu Si, his eyes were already glued to her body.

"Senior Brother Huaijin, my admiration for you is like a surging river..."

"Ah? What did you just say, Xianyun?"

Mu Weichen suddenly realized that someone was talking to him, and asked casually.

"I mean, my admiration for Senior Brother Huaijin..."

Just as Xianyun was about to repeat it, he was interrupted by Mu Weichen's question.

"Her, what's the matter?"

Only then did Xianyun look in the direction Mu Weichen's folding fan pointed, and saw Mu Si sitting on the chair blankly, his eyes were empty and out of focus.

Obviously the person is here, but the heart does not know where it has gone.

It looks very harmless to humans and animals, however! ! !The image of the Four Great Demon Kings has already penetrated Xianyun's heart.

"Senior brother Huaijin, please don't mess with her, she is simply the reincarnation of Hades..."

Lara Mu Weichen's sleeves, Xianyun's miserable look of the past is unbearable.

"Is there? Isn't she just a cute little girl with a smart head? Why is Hades reincarnated?"

"Oh, Senior Brother Huaijin, what you said is correct, but you still missed one thing... Just like that, she was reincarnated as the King of Hades."

(End of this chapter)

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