The shrew of time travel

Chapter 317 Are You A Funny Bibi Invited By A Monkey...

Chapter 317 Are You A Funny Bibi Invited By A Monkey...

Mu Weichen gave Mu Si a playful look, and there were lines of laughter in his eyes.

"Tch, it's not that you don't know your junior brother Xianyun. If I don't pretend, I don't know how much I will spend talking about staying in this room."

Curling his lips, Mu Si naturally found an excuse.

Mu Weichen shook his head, not believing it.

Being able to bully Xianyun and call her 'reincarnated Hades', it can be seen that Xianyun has nothing to do with her.

Furthermore, according to her temper, she had to jump up when Xian Yun called her 'the reincarnated King of Hades', but right now she didn't, so she really didn't hear it.

It's just halfway back to God.

"Well~~~, why, don't you have something to ask me?"

After pouring a cup of tea, Mu Weichen seemed to be in a relaxed mood.

"Why on earth did the dean let the brothers stay in the academy for three years?"

Seeing that Mu Weichen was talking about business, Mu Si was unambiguous, and instantly straightened his face.

"To protect them."

Mu Weichen frowned slightly, paused, and continued without waiting for Mu Si to ask.

"What happened last night... If it didn't just happen to you, but to your family, right now, you don't have the extra strength to protect..."

This is easy to say, but it sounds cruel.

Only then did Mu Si realize that his family was already in danger.

His face was numb and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, only the aura called 'sadness' emanating from his whole body.

Mu Weichen felt a pain in his heart, and put his hands on Mu Si's shoulders.

"It's not your fault. Since your father went to the town, this matter is doomed. Unless your family is cruel to watch him die, will all happen sooner or later..."

Mu Si nodded, showing that he understood.

Mu Shuan was nothing to him, but he was always the man Xiaomu relied on, and the father of his two older brothers.

She understands, she understands.

"So, letting your two elder brothers stay in the academy is not only for them to learn skills, but also for the Mu family to leave a trace of blood in case something happens. And of course..."

When Mu Weichen said this, he realized that he had said too much.

But Mu Si already noticed that he seemed to have something to say.

"and also?"

Mu Weichen chuckled, since he had decided to let go of his guard, there was nothing else he couldn't say.

The hand that rested on Mu Si's shoulder touched Mu Si's hand.

"Yeah, and..., before last night, I thought I was going to die here, so I entrusted your brothers to the dean. Firstly, it was for you, and secondly, it was also for my own sake..."

He said this with a smile, but Mu Si could clearly hear that what he said was serious, not to frighten her.

Mu Si withdrew his right hand from Mu Weichen's hand, wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, and chuckled lightly.

"It was agreed to live and die together, who let you pass through that gate of hell alone?"

Mu Weichen didn't expect her to react like this. It was like a big blister burst in her heart when she said this.

A lot of hot air came out gurgling, and the whole body became warm.

His gaze was fixed on Mu Si, until she blushed, lowered her head, and held Mu Si's small hand tightly with her big hand, but she couldn't say anything more.

a long time……

"Let's go to the military tent tonight. Xianyun will guard the house. You can rest assured. Xianyun's kung fu is taught by the teacher, so it must be indistinguishable..."

The shy Mu Si suddenly looked confused, Mr. Wuli, are you a tease invited by the monkey?
Shouldn't you offer your sweet kisses at this time, or say a bunch of sweet words?
(End of this chapter)

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